6 neon
2 Black aeneus
2 Ramshorn snails
3 Peppered cory
3 - unknown name .small black top fin!! small fish
5 rummy nose
6 dwarf corys
1 betta
Hey guys
i just finished cycling my new 100 liter tank. Got 6 neons, 2 baby Black aeneus (which i will remove when they get bigger) & 2 ramhorn snail happy in the tank so far, i was looking to put the other fish i wanted to buy in, I'm still pretty new to fish keeping so i don't know which fish will get along so could u please give us some advice. Above is the list of fish i want in the tank.
btw i have alot of plants in the tank .. i will try to post a picture on my camera when i get some time, no promises
anther side note, I only want the pepper cory to help clean up dead plant waste, Could the dwarf corys do that? I also have a mix of half White sand & black gravel, so i would need the dwarf corys to be able to get into sand as well.
2 Black aeneus
2 Ramshorn snails
3 Peppered cory
3 - unknown name .small black top fin!! small fish
5 rummy nose
6 dwarf corys
1 betta
Hey guys
i just finished cycling my new 100 liter tank. Got 6 neons, 2 baby Black aeneus (which i will remove when they get bigger) & 2 ramhorn snail happy in the tank so far, i was looking to put the other fish i wanted to buy in, I'm still pretty new to fish keeping so i don't know which fish will get along so could u please give us some advice. Above is the list of fish i want in the tank.
btw i have alot of plants in the tank .. i will try to post a picture on my camera when i get some time, no promises
anther side note, I only want the pepper cory to help clean up dead plant waste, Could the dwarf corys do that? I also have a mix of half White sand & black gravel, so i would need the dwarf corys to be able to get into sand as well.