Stock That Tank!

Would the shrimp be ok if I put them in with 2 mollys and a pleco that are already in there?

If so, i'll put them in first, then the neons... then another choice (which i need help in making, anything else please?)

Could I get 2-4 cory's with my above stock (the one with 4 shrimps)?

my LFS had a few different types of shrimp.. one were very small and clear.. babys?

I'd only have the plec, the shrimp, the neons and the mollys... any more then that and i'd say the tank was over stocked! :good:

they could be young amano shrimp.. get to about 2" but wont breed in freshwater... the cherry shrimp will have lots of babies if you have both males and females! :D
aha! they were amano.. i'd prefer to avoid babys actually, just for easyness of looking after them... so would you say 4 amanos?
aha! they were amano.. i'd prefer to avoid babys actually, just for easyness of looking after them... so would you say 4 amanos?

yeah, 4 amanos would be fine! :D plus, they're too big t be seen as food to most fish.
Great! :D

So in total (i may push to 10 neon tetras as if i do that I get them cheaper than 6-8)...

1 bristlnose pleco
2 Molly's
4 amanos
10 tetras

Good setup?

As I said, this is my first proper tank (ever) as i'm only 21 and not long had my own place! Once I get a bigger place next year though, i'll go for a much bigger tank, and probably a more "natural" look rather than bright gravel and a treasure chest etc! hee hee
Yep looks ok, you could add a pair or trio of Honey Gouramis
oh? really?

These are the ones my LFS had, and they did look quite nice... so you think I could really hold

1 bristlnose pleco
2 Molly's
4 amanos
10 tetras

and 2 Honey Gouramis

in my Rekord 70?
oh? really?

These are the ones my LFS had, and they did look quite nice... so you think I could really hold

1 bristlnose pleco
2 Molly's
4 amanos
10 tetras

and 2 Honey Gouramis

in my Rekord 70?

get rid of the mollys then yes
Ah - I wouldn't want to lose the molly's, they have been with me since birth! offspringe from my first 2 molly's that died last year! :D
Why would the mollies have to go, they would be fine together!
Nah, i think that it would be ok, just dont add anymore fish as it would be fully stocked after them.
You reckon?

I'll be cleaning the filter part (at the top) once a week.. and not too sure how often i should water change etc... (and how much of the water)... put it this way, how much for all those in the tank?

Oh, im just doing ph tests as we speak for amonia, nitrite and nitrate
With all thoses fish i would do a 40% every two weeks. But if you wanted to do a water change every week then something arround 25% would be fine.

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