Stock For 55 Litre


New Member
Jan 11, 2009
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Hi there, my plans for my 55 Litre cube is:

4 x Panda cory
6 x Neon Tetra
6 x Platys

Filtration is 10 times turnover per hour.

What do you think?

What are the dimensions of the tank (length x width x height) and is your water hard or soft, OP?
Neons in a 200L naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw.

Emperor tetra all the way bro :
Neons in a 200L naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw.

Emperor tetra all the way bro :

I think you read it as 55 gallons it says 55 liters - emporers are a bit big for 55 liters.

OP - I think your list is good but I would cut the number of Platies as they are a decent sized fish for this kind of tank and 6 might be a bit over kill

Hardness and pH aren't the same, although they are related in 'natural' waters. Do you get a lot of limescale in your kettle/showerhead?

I wouldn't put platies in a tank that size; they're quite a big fish.

If you can get one of the three species of pygmy cories (hasbrosus, pygmaeus or hastatus) they'd be better than the pandas. I'd do six (or eight) of those and six or eight neons, or another of the small tetras or rasboras.

The filters in the Aquananos are very good, and you afford to overstock a little bit, as long as you keep on top of your weekly water changes.
Hardness and pH aren't the same, although they are related in 'natural' waters. Do you get a lot of limescale in your kettle/showerhead?

I wouldn't put platies in a tank that size; they're quite a big fish.

If you can get one of the three species of pygmy cories (hasbrosus, pygmaeus or hastatus) they'd be better than the pandas. I'd do six (or eight) of those and six or eight neons, or another of the small tetras or rasboras.

The filters in the Aquananos are very good, and you afford to overstock a little bit, as long as you keep on top of your weekly water changes.

The water is hard where I live.

So are you suggesting just 12 or so fish?


Hardness and pH aren't the same, although they are related in 'natural' waters. Do you get a lot of limescale in your kettle/showerhead?

I wouldn't put platies in a tank that size; they're quite a big fish.

If you can get one of the three species of pygmy cories (hasbrosus, pygmaeus or hastatus) they'd be better than the pandas. I'd do six (or eight) of those and six or eight neons, or another of the small tetras or rasboras.

The filters in the Aquananos are very good, and you afford to overstock a little bit, as long as you keep on top of your weekly water changes.

The water is hard where I live.

So are you suggesting just 12 or so fish?



Is this correct guys, would you only recommend about 12 fish for a 55 Litre tank with excellent filtration?


Hardness and pH aren't the same, although they are related in 'natural' waters. Do you get a lot of limescale in your kettle/showerhead?

I wouldn't put platies in a tank that size; they're quite a big fish.

If you can get one of the three species of pygmy cories (hasbrosus, pygmaeus or hastatus) they'd be better than the pandas. I'd do six (or eight) of those and six or eight neons, or another of the small tetras or rasboras.

The filters in the Aquananos are very good, and you afford to overstock a little bit, as long as you keep on top of your weekly water changes.

The water is hard where I live.

So are you suggesting just 12 or so fish?



Is this correct guys, would you only recommend about 12 fish for a 55 Litre tank with excellent filtration?



I would just go for 10-12 of one of the miniture Corydoras species, they do far better in groups bigger than the minimum six and they do not just stick to the tank floor, they spend a lot of time midwater too.

55l tanks are tiny and being a cube shaped one, yours has even less room for fish to use their energy. Platties would go mad in such a squat tank, there would be lot of nipping injuries and these active fish deserve at least a 3-foot tank. The stocking of a tank should not be dependent upon the filtration system, it is how stable you can keep the water including preventing nitrate reaching toxic levels, plus ensuring the fish are suitable for the tank in question and any existing tankmates.

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