

Fish Crazy
Jan 30, 2006
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For those of you that have stingrays, do you keep yours on sand or just the bare glass bottom? What would you recommend...

...I have my motoro on sand now, but was thinking about taking the sand out (which I have no idea how to go about removing sand).

Also, is there any other food that I could try for her that I might not have heard of already?

Thanks for the help!

Do you have a spare tank?

If so, and your Stingray is the right size, take alot of water out of the tank, put it in the smaller tank, transfer the stingray, remove sand with a gravel vac, replace stingray and water.

Why are you considering removing the sand? I've read that they enjoy sand.
keeping rays in a bare bottom tank is very cruel :(

rays have taken millions of years to evolve to live in substrate and if you watch you ray you will know they spend most of their day digging in the sand looking for food

i also feel that if you keep rays on a bare bottom tank you stand more chance of getting stung when doing water changes as when rays are scared they burry them selfs in the substrate with no place to hide when scared their next form of defence is to use their sting

use a very fine smooth pebble gravel its much better than sand and wont stick to the rays disk and easyer to keep clean
Thanks for the tip. I always feel bad when I see rays with no substrate, but I was getting worried with his belly being slightly pink. Do you think he'll be okay in the sand, as he cannot easily bury himself in smooth pebbles (i don't think). I do love watching him dig through the sand. I'd hate to take out the sand, but do you think I should - as I am not sure if a slightly pink belly is something to panic about. Thanks for the help!

~ Wonderboy!
i use gravel of a very small size just a little bit bigger than sand

the pinkness of the belly may be down to some other kind of bactria problem
Anything I can do to find out? I've done water test, and everything seems to be in great shape... :unsure:
how big is the ray?
how long have you had it?
what type is it?

young rays are slightly pink underneath
what type of sand have you got in your tank now?

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