Stingray Tank Setup Help

The tank honestly isnt wide enough even for one of the the smallest species of stingrays... at very very smallest... they would need 24" front to back... (2ft or 60cm)...
72"x18"x22" I think, I haven't been able to measure yet
Is the tank 180 US gallons? If so then your tank is likely to be 72" x 24 x 25 as that's standard size for a 180US :good:

If it is 72" x 18" x 22 then that would mean the tank is around 125-130 gallons
yeah I have no idea the dimensions yet, the guy I am getting it from isn't even sure because he has had it sitting around for a while
22 isnt wide enough if you set it up put a ray in you would need to start thinking about a new tank within 6 months

hystrix grow to 14-16 without tail by the time you add the tail its 24

give it a go but make sure you have a place to home the ray dont say zoo as they just dont take in that many large fish
To be fair ray pups can been grown out in any tank to suit their size as long as you are prepared to upgrade at a later date

filtration has to be right yes but the use of expensive fx5's (not that good anyway) or huge sumps is not needed

all my ray tanks have a built in filter system at one end and all are driven by air (no power filters) old school filtration and its the best

only use korelia wave pumps for circulation

way to much info is given on rays needing massive filters etc etc and it just isnt true some keepers are way over the top with their expensive fish gadgets, filters, uv's etc all it is is showing off just how much cash you have spent
look at my tank i spent £K's setting up!!! bigheadedness i call it

many keepers in holland and the uk have actualy raised and bred rays in 6ft x 2ft x 2ft standard tanks

i would say 2.5ft wide is better but wouldnt go past the 3ft wide mark and 3ft tall is just daft 2ft is fine

a good mate has a leo male in a 5ft x 2ft x 2ft (pet ray) on his own! has an 15" disc and is happy as a pig in poop his filter is a normal pond filter box above the tank and is fed from a 1300ltrh pond pump at the back of the tank his water is drinkable lol
he has no uv, no fx5's, no sumps,

a good air pump is needed on all ray tanks mine have at least 3 big airstones in each

just remember if you are thinking of ray keeping start small pups and work to upgrade when ready as not all keepers can cope long term and it is a long term commitment keeping rays

so think long and hard befor taking the plunge

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