Stingray Question

rock aint going no where, frogs and rays dont mix and should of did my research? didnt find nothing about that and how often in the wild do you see AFRICAN clawed frogs and SOUTH AMERICAN stingrays?

you have answered you own ? they need totally different types of water as they come from totally different parts of the world

what makes you so sure the rocks wont get moved ? unless the rocks are silaconed in place they will get moved

a 75g is way to small for any kind of ray and it will need a new tank in 6 months

dont ask for advice if you dont want to listern when its given

In 6months when the ray needs a new tank he'll get one, god forbid i dont just shutdown my 75gallon which fits him just fine for now and rush out and buy a bigger tank. I think the rocks wont get moved because the rays been in there over a month and hasnt moved them yet, not to mention there halfway under the sand.

And as far as asking for advice and not listening? ARE YOU RETARDED? he told me to take out the frogs, so I LISTENED and took them out, that solved the problem, topic should of ended there, but no... people continued posting after the solution had already been figured out and delt with, as for you dregging up contreversy and reviving a dead topic... thats cool.(oh and p.s. i see a lot of people put Arowanas from ASIA with stingrays from SOUTH AMERICA, but you probably laugh at that too because they need different water and dont mix right?)

nah sorry mate i think you are wrong asian aros and stingrays both need soft water with a lower PH and anything from africa need harder water

your rocks are burried in the sand what do rays dig in i think its the substrate in your case the sand when the sand is moved it will dislodge the rock making them come crashing down

your silcer aro if well fed and looked after will grow 1-2 inch per month so i would get setting that big tank up now
cobra you ought to be ashamed. tikarmann was trying to help. unlike you he knows what he's talking about. you NEED the bigger tank now if you don't have the adequate tank when you buy the fish why buy them? you should wait till you have an adequate tank till you buy them i doubt you have done any research and think you should get a bigger tank as soon as you can and get researching then when you know what you are talking about you can argue back with people who know what they are talking about
Ok... so your pretty much saying "buy the maximum size tank the fish needs before you buy the fish"

that would about be one of the funniest things i've heard, you people, it seems sometimes neglect the fact a fish GROWS, you dont stick it in your tank and them BOOM... its full grown. If i have a 75 gallon up and running and still have 6months buffer zone til the need a bigger tank, i'm going to use the 75 that is available. In the next 6months i will be buying/setting up a 180 gallon, and after that is set i will be saving up for a 300+.

Oh and by the way theres a 150gallon and a 125gallon here they could go in if they turn full size in a day like you guys are thinking.

And seriously look, they guys trying to argue petty things like the rock is going to fall and crush your eel and damage the ray... when that happens ill readily eat my words.
Cobra, Richard has had Arowana, stingray and other oddball fish for a long time, he keeps them extremely well, it is a pity you dont have a reasonable attitude about good advice given.
You have made a bad choice, everyone does along the way, but accept advice as it is given, for the good of your fish, not as a slur on your fishkeeping abilities.
Your attitude will stop people from giving you advice and from the looks of things, you may well need it in the short and the long term.
The rocks bit is immaterial, but he has given sound advice about upgrading your tank, it is neccessary, rays and arowana are rapid growing and need space to swim, silver arowana need bigger than a 150 US gallon for keeping them as they grow.
Your initial posts said nothing of a 125 and a 150, but they have now conveniently appeared, and that is good, but the initial comment were made before you had disclosed this (fact?)

I am not trying to belittle you ( as you tried to do to Richard ) but your arrogance does you no favours.

Everyone on here wants to learn, and wants to look after their fish as well as possible, and to help others where they can, but if someone does not want to listen, the advice and help will soon dry up.
6 months is when you will need the tank set up and reay to put the aro and ray in you have finally agreed with that

the new tank will need 4-8 weeks to cycle properly so thats cut you time before you need a new tank down to 4 months

a 125-150-180 tank is a waste of time if you want to keep the aro long term whats the point in having to upgrade the tank 3-4times just get the big tank 1st it will save you money in the long run

look at the end of the day its your fish your tank do what you want as long as you know this is how big the silver aro will get
k.o.d. for one I DID TAKE THE ADVICE GIVEN, thats when this thread should of died.

As for keeping the arowana long term, i shouldnt even bother with a 180? ...are you serious? thats some advice im not going to take, im going to gradually upgrade, no sense not buying a 180 which will house him for a long time, not to mention give a killer tank. As far as 4-8 weeks cycling, yes i know this is this case, but im moving my filters with the fish and most of the substrate from the 75gallon-180gallon, the only filter that will need to cycle will be the couple canisters im going to throw on the 180, the emperors will be flowing and already cycled from the 75 since the full contence of the 75 is moving to the 180, bioload SHOULD be the same and bacteria in the filters SHOULD be good to go. If im incorrect in this thinking please correct me here. Canisters will be cycled with some little fish or a fishless cycle before the emperors and the 75 are moved to the 180.
the bigger the aro gets the harder it will become to move which is why im saying get the biggest tank you can now (have you ever tryed to net or move a 24inch aro thats thrashing around)

when trying to move a 3ft aro you stand the chance of braking fins and barbels

the barbels are not a problem and will regrow(some times) but if you brake a front fin the fish is history it will never grow back properly
point taken, when i move him im going to use a pillow case and see if that works, but i see where your coming from on this.

Off topic but what happens if a stingray burns themselve on a heater, i moved the heater to an out of the way spot but never had a chance to mesh it, stingray found it last night, burnt across his body in an angle, looks like the right gill and right eye may have suffered some damage, but he seems to be doing fine, just changed 1/3 of the water, just wait it out or is there anything i can do?
point taken, when i move him im going to use a pillow case and see if that works, but i see where your coming from on this.

Off topic but what happens if a stingray burns themselve on a heater, i moved the heater to an out of the way spot but never had a chance to mesh it, stingray found it last night, burnt across his body in an angle, looks like the right gill and right eye may have suffered some damage, but he seems to be doing fine, just changed 1/3 of the water, just wait it out or is there anything i can do?

i use the hydor exturnal heaters as they are much safer for a ray tank but if you dont have one of those you will need a heater gaurd for sure

their are only a few meds that are safe in a ray tank which are melafix,primafix and ehsa 2000

for the hearter burn i would use melafix for 7 days
1 of my rays recently suffered a burn aswell, pretty badly with the skin blistering and peeling off.

The little fella is doing fine though, keep the water nice and clean and use Melafix as T1Karmann suggested, mines wel on the way to recovery.

I would adcice against doing such large water changes in future, large water changes can chance the water stats very quickly which can send a ray into shock and then usually death. Little and often is the best way here.
Is melafix safe to use in the tank with the arowana and the tire track eel?

How much water should be changed and how often?

yes it's fine with the other fish.

i was speaking generally, if you need to change alot of water do a few little ones over a few days rather thn 1 big one.

at the moment you need to dose for 7 days wityh the melafix then water change at the end.
once you have done the melafix treatment then do water changes 25% once per week you may need to do that twice per week as the fish grow but try not to ever do more than 25% in one go
Ray seems to have lost his appetite after the burn, hes alittle thiner but not skinny yet, anything i can do or just wait it out? feeding live blackworms...
try a variety of foods to get him feeding again, bloodworm, artemia, prawns, mussel, squid to name a few.

Also chec your water quality if thats not spot on it will cause a ray to starve,

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