rock aint going no where, frogs and rays dont mix and should of did my research? didnt find nothing about that and how often in the wild do you see AFRICAN clawed frogs and SOUTH AMERICAN stingrays?
you have answered you own ? they need totally different types of water as they come from totally different parts of the world
what makes you so sure the rocks wont get moved ? unless the rocks are silaconed in place they will get moved
a 75g is way to small for any kind of ray and it will need a new tank in 6 months
dont ask for advice if you dont want to listern when its given
In 6months when the ray needs a new tank he'll get one, god forbid i dont just shutdown my 75gallon which fits him just fine for now and rush out and buy a bigger tank. I think the rocks wont get moved because the rays been in there over a month and hasnt moved them yet, not to mention there halfway under the sand.
And as far as asking for advice and not listening? ARE YOU RETARDED? he told me to take out the frogs, so I LISTENED and took them out, that solved the problem, topic should of ended there, but no... people continued posting after the solution had already been figured out and delt with, as for you dregging up contreversy and reviving a dead topic... thats cool.(oh and p.s. i see a lot of people put Arowanas from ASIA with stingrays from SOUTH AMERICA, but you probably laugh at that too because they need different water and dont mix right?)
nah sorry mate i think you are wrong asian aros and stingrays both need soft water with a lower PH and anything from africa need harder water
your rocks are burried in the sand what do rays dig in i think its the substrate in your case the sand when the sand is moved it will dislodge the rock making them come crashing down
your silcer aro if well fed and looked after will grow 1-2 inch per month so i would get setting that big tank up now