stetting up a guppy tank what do i need


Fish Crazy
Aug 11, 2003
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i am starting a tank to breed guppyes what kind of plants should i use in it? and what do i need to set it up like how big of a tank? light? food? filter? heater?
i think ten gallon will work.A small filter with not to much power as they like partialy still water.Java fern or combola for plants.Maybe some driftwood.Tropical fish flakes will work.All you need is light 12 on 12 off.A heater at 75* to 80*
One IMPORTANT thing cycle the tank before you put the fish!!!! :)

If you are going to breed them, You are going to have to have a lot more tanks!!! And if you are gonna save the babies, you will need a breeding net to put the mom in to have them, Unless you have ALOT of hiding spaces!!! :fun: The other fish will eat them the first chance they get...I do not like to keep the babies in the same tank as the parents for the reason 1) I am starting a certain strain, 2) the babies my not get enough food and it will stunt thier growth, or the will strave to death!!

You also going to have to have fry food for the babies, I feed mine crushed up flakes and a product called baby fry....and I feed them 2-3 times a day.

So IMO alot more tanks!!! I have 5 right now for them I am breeding Guppies and Black Lyretail Mollies...

Just REMEMBER to cycle the tanks ahead of time!!!! :D

Good luck :)
since you have a tank set up already take ten gallons of water out of it, some of the gravel and filter medium and you will not have to cycle the tank. one of the best things about having an established tank is that there is no need to cycle. especially with a small tank like a 10 gallon.

so take 10 gallons of water out and put it in my new tank and take some gravel and what is filter media
you will notice a dark gravid spot on the belly and if that just dissapears one day you know they had babies.THe fry are really small and somewhat seethrough.THey will not have any color yet.You better be prepared because they can have from 1-100 fry so thats why people are saying youll need an extra tank. :thumbs: :thumbs:

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