

Fish Herder
Nov 18, 2008
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Warwickshire, UK
Adding to my endless list of questions... (trying to do the asking before the doing)
I keep seeing sterbai corys mentioned and I've noticed that they fetch a higher price.
I just love the wee corys, they simply fascinate me.
What is the significance of a sterbai cory over a plain old regular cory?
Are they harder to care for? Will they school with other corys? How big do they get?
Hi JustKia :)

C. sterbai are just one of the many popular corys and they are especially sought after because of their lovely pattern and bright orange fins. When they first appeared on the market they were quite expensive but now they are raised commercially and by home breeders so the price is much more affordable.

These corys are more suited to warm water conditions (75-82 F.) then many of the other corys are and are frequently kept with discus. They only get to be about 2 1/2" long, but are chunky and appear larger than they are.

Sterbai, like all corys, are playful and not at all difficult to care for provided you give them clean, well circulated water, correct temperature, and a good diet.

I'm sure you would be delighted with them. :D
Kia, if you like the smaller cories, sterbai are not the best choice for size. They are actually among the larger cories. There are many that are smaller such as the pandas, peppered and even the trilineatus. The sterbai are among the biggest I can find at the LFS. Pandas, peppered and trilineatus are common in the hobby so they are as easy to find as sterbai. Sometimes you will find trilineatus misidentified as julii but you will seldom find true julii in a shop. Actually I like pygmy cories and have all 3 species of pygmies but they can be hard to find locally.
I'll be getting 3 albino and 3 peppereds (when this tank allows and gives me those zero's) - I believe they are just colour variations on the bronze?
I'll also be looking for some pygmies later into the new year. Going to be getting hubby a smaller tank for a betta, but have to finish kitchen alterations before even getting the tank.
For now just asking lots of questions :D about the fish I like the look of, to see if they are compatible with what I've got/will have and also if I think I'll be able to keep up with their needs.
Albinos are colour variations of bronze but i don't think peppered are.I've been told that peppered corys prefer slightly cooler water (22C)?
The bronze and albino corys most often seen at the lfs are both C. aeneus and like cooler water, 70-77 F. They are longer than the sterbai with the females reaching about 3" in length.

Peppered corys are C. paleatus and they can sometimes (rarely in the US) be found in an albino variation. They are good for tanks with water as low as 60 F. and are sometimes kept with small goldfish.

You won't go wrong with either of these fish. If you are thinking about the possibility of breeding them at some time in the future, either one is good to start with.

In addition to the others already mentioned, you might want to look some other species. While they might not be as easy to come by as aeneus or paleatus, C. arcuatus (skunk corys), C. metae (bandits) and C. melini are often found and are especially attractive because of their distinctive markings.
Try to find a World of Water if there is one near you.

I picked up 8 Sterbai last week for £15 :good:

They sell them for £2.25 each, 4 for £7.50 or 8 for £15 :D
they go for £6+ each up here aswell at around 2cms
i think lfs can charge what they like really but the standered rate from an lfs is around £6 each
but you get the odd one that does them cheaper :good:
Haven't seen them at the larger of the 2 LFS (but then I'm usually walking in awe at some of the stunning fish they have - large marine set ups and the like), but the smaller one had some albino ones for £8.50 while the albino bronze corys and the peppered corys were £1.55.

I think corys are one fish I'll have to be very careful about because I could very well end up with no space for anything else... :wub:
Hi JustKia :)

Did you mean they had albino sterbai at the LFS? These are now being farmed but are still quite unusual to find. I bought mine at a fish club auction and have never actually seen them in an lfs.

I think corys are one fish I'll have to be very careful about because I could very well end up with no space for anything else...

LOL! That's what happened to me. For a long time I had little else. :D
Sterbai are 3 for a tenner down here - so not bad i suppose.
Will also be getting myself a small shoal in the new year.
Did you mean they had albino sterbai at the LFS? These are now being farmed but are still quite unusual to find.

Yes, this was what actually prompted me to post because at the time the only difference I could see was the orange line at the front of their (pectoral? is that the right word and right place?) fins, other than that they looked exactly like the other albino corys, all about 1"-1.25".
So are you saying I ought head on back there asap and put a reserve on them? ;)
Did you mean they had albino sterbai at the LFS? These are now being farmed but are still quite unusual to find.

Yes, this was what actually prompted me to post because at the time the only difference I could see was the orange line at the front of their (pectoral? is that the right word and right place?) fins, other than that they looked exactly like the other albino corys, all about 1"-1.25".
So are you saying I ought head on back there asap and put a reserve on them? ;)

pm me the fish shop hun mite be interested in getting some myself if its not 2 far :) well if there is any left after u have urs that is :p

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