comfortably numb
my lfs is selling sterbai corys for £3.95 each. is that about right or is it too much . im only asking cos on most fish this shop is way over the top , but its so long since i bought corys ive kinda lost touch
good choice mark high temps really arent for corys....hmmm. right so im happy the price is good , but still conflicting opinions of ability to thrive in discus temps. maybe i will err on the side of caution and give them a miss. its proving quite tricky finding a suitable cleanup crew that i really like .
I have kept a group of C. sterbai in my 84º Discus tank for over 5 years. They have no problem, except for growing as large as a house cat. lol. - Frankits said that sterbai can withstand the heat better than others but its not really worth the risk and stress on the cory surely.....