Sterbai Corys


comfortably numb
May 23, 2008
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my lfs is selling sterbai corys for £3.95 each. is that about right or is it too much . im only asking cos on most fish this shop is way over the top , but its so long since i bought corys ive kinda lost touch
Sounds cheap to me, cories in my area are £5 each for your basic species and then more for the others. Everytime I see Harlequins signature photo of all her cory species it makes me want them so bad but I just refuse to pay that much, and typically of me I only want the rare species and adults are usually £20 sometimes here
thats a goos price mark but it depends on size really. if your thinking of putting corys in with your discus then i would re think as no corys like hot water. i know loads of people use corys with discus especially sterbai but they will not be 100% happy mate. all you will be doing is shortening their lives by having such high temps. nothing really over 26 degrees is suitable and even that is high for them, anything below 25 is preffered. its said that sterbai can withstand the heat better than others but its not really worth the risk and stress on the cory surely.....
same price as my area for corys, between 3-5 pounds each
7.95 around my area and would love some but as Matt has advised me in the past they wont last long and wont enjoy it
Sounds a great price for sterbai, my favoutite corys, alas I have no room for them until perhaps when I get Nelly's old 5x2x2 tank up and running...
hmmm. right so im happy the price is good , but still conflicting opinions of ability to thrive in discus temps. maybe i will err on the side of caution and give them a miss. its proving quite tricky finding a suitable cleanup crew that i really like .
hmmm. right so im happy the price is good , but still conflicting opinions of ability to thrive in discus temps. maybe i will err on the side of caution and give them a miss. its proving quite tricky finding a suitable cleanup crew that i really like .
good choice mark :good: high temps really arent for corys....

im not sure if there are any loaches suitable, i had polkadot loaches in with mine at 30 degrees and they have survived but werent very active! i only left them in because i couldnt catch them :blush: im not sure it will have done them much good at 30 but they are much more active now my tank is back to 26 degrees :good:

thinking about it clown loaches are widely used with discus if the tank is big enough..
The practice of keeping C. sterbai at lower temperatures seems to be one of the more recent internet fallacies. Thanks for clearing that up for us, Coryologist. :D
i may well get half a dozen and see how they do. if they dont seem happy i can always re-home them easily enough , i know plenty of people that would happily take them .

thanks everybody

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