Sterbai Cory Tail Shredded Up Sudden - No Predatory Fish


Fish Crazy
Dec 30, 2005
Reaction score
seattle, Washington
One of my sterbai's tail is just totally shredded up and his body is beginning to turn a red where the tail attached to the body.
I'm positive he was fine just last night when I fed them. I watch my fish every night to make sure everything is ok.
It happened fast, like within 20 hours he was fine to like this. I have 4 other sterbai, 2 ottos, and a couple cardinals, and 2 amano shrimp.

What should I do, I'm afraid he may be beyond help. I've been adding melafix since I got the 5 of them a week ago. And I dosed extra as soon as I saw him.

here are pics one two

poor little sod, hes definitely been nibbled by something in your tank, however with meds your giving him he should recover fully.
If the body is turning red septicemia.
You will have to act fast can you issolate him as you are going to need a good bacterial med.
If you can issolate in a hospital tank tetracycline, if not maracyn one and two, or maracyn plus.
If the body is turning red septicemia.
You will have to act fast can you issolate him as you are going to need a good bacterial med.
If you can issolate in a hospital tank tetracycline, if not maracyn one and two, or maracyn plus.

What are your impressions on how it occured Wilder? Doubtful that he was nibbled by anything judging from those pics in my opinion right?

- the septicemia didn't cause the damage though right? It infected him after the damage right?
- I euthanized him about 10 hours after this post. The septicemia was spreading and didn't want to risk my other fish eventhough they don't have open wounds. Would still like to know what happened though.

RIP Beautiful Sterbai cory 8)
is there anything that the tail could of been caught because his fins are very delicate and a simple catch could of torn it, judging by then bones (dont know the proper name) in the tail fin with the actual fin is gone, he hasnt been nibbled at.
keep an eye out for rappid fir loss on any fish as my beta 4 days ago got the same porly tail, he was fine for 1 day in his own tank but he rappidly lost all his fins to a "secondary" infection of fin rot.
just a dail cheak of all fish, any with fins depleating isolate them, or with other with same simptoms. go to a good aquatic store and ask for advise, fishy buisness is very good with advise, heres a link for diognostic

hope this info helps anyone else and sorry about the poor fishy
The bacteria from the fish can enter the tank so I would so some daily water changes.
Was the fish bloated.
Was it still going to the toilet.
The bacteria from the fish can enter the tank so I would so some daily water changes.Was the fish bloated.Was it still going to the toilet.
yah, I did a 33% water change after he died and now 25% twice weekly. No he wasn't bloated at all, and I'm not sure if he was still pooping. I know he was swimming with the others and eating normally the night before without any fin damage as far as I could see.thanks
is there anything that the tail could of been caught because his fins are very delicate and a simple catch could of torn it, judging by then bones (dont know the proper name) in the tail fin with the actual fin is gone, he hasnt been nibbled at.keep an eye out for rappid fir loss on any fish as my beta 4 days ago got the same porly tail, he was fine for 1 day in his own tank but he rappidly lost all his fins to a "secondary" infection of fin rot.just a dail cheak of all fish, any with fins depleating isolate them, or with other with same simptoms. go to a good aquatic store and ask for advise, fishy buisness is very good with advise, heres a link for diognostic http://www.nationalfishpharm.comhope this info helps anyone else and sorry about the poor fishy
Nah, nothing he could catch on to. just plants a 2 clay pots without sharp edges. And I replaced my bubble ladder with a co2 glass diffuser.

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