Sterbai Cory Eggs


Fish Fanatic
Apr 24, 2007
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Bolton UK
Hi all,
Well my tank is finally starting to look quite the part now.

I have recently noticed clutches of tiny transparent balls in a glutenous jelly attached to the plants and side of tank. I have 2 Sterbai Cory (1 has looked heavy in the belly!!) - did have 3, but one seemed a little off when I bought him and sadly passed away. Also in the tank are 6 Black Neon and 3 Cardinal Tetras (to be increased) as well as 7 Guppies (2male:5female). Also I have about 30 snails that I'm assuming have come from the plants I purchased 3wks ago - they are getting bigger every day but they are doing a job on the algae on the glass.

My question is this, could it be the Sterbai that have laid these eggs or am I about to be infested with snails!!!

Are there any fish that will gladly eat snail eggs if this is what they are?
Yup sound like snail eggs. If they are see through with little pieces in them then they are most likely pest snails. I have a betta that eats the snail eggs. Most small fish eat a couple. But best to just remove them urself. Once they get a hold of the tank they are hard to remove completely
I actually did a 25% water change last night and got rid of the ones on 3/4 of glass survace, leaving the back wall that only has a couple.

Looking at purchasing some Loaches to combat this - really fancy a nice group of Tigers, but their eventual size may not be best for my 180l.

Any ideas people?
I know some people get some kind of loaches try to get rid of snails from the tank. But please do some research before do so since some is not really compatible with Corys. Since they both spend majority of time on the bottom part of the tank. And sometime the territory, food and aggressiveness become issue.
I used to not really like the snails either but I know accept as part of one of the life in the aquarium. And find some can be really useful. Yes, they may eat some fish eggs or your prized plants but they also get rid of the left over or dead plants or fish(I hope not often). Also, they are useful when you try to keep the water from fouling in the fry tank. I doubt that they would hurm any frys as long as the frys are free-swimming. And Malaysian Trumpet Snails would help stir the substrate so no gas is trapped. Especially this is good for me since most of my tank have Corys if not all and therefore have fine sands.
I just keep their number in check. When I see there are too many in the tank, I put some bait like some cooked vege at night and pick it in the morning with snails on it and just toss it away.

Using the fish to get rid of the snails, may give you some problems.

1. So the fish eliminate the snails, now what do you do with the fish? What are you gonna feed the fish after the fish wiped out the snails. More efficient snail eliminator they are, more likely that the snail is their main diet. Now you might have to set the snail breeding tank or go buy some snails if you decide to keep the fish.

2. And what do you do if you do not really like the fish but just got it for eliminate the snails and the fish finished the job. I hope the store you got the fish from, will take it(them) back or trade it back. If not, you stuck with the fish you do not really like. And that is not really good for anyone especially for the fish.

3. If you like the fish, that's great. But his main diet might be the snails. Now you might have to look for the snails.

Anyway, so please think about it and do some research about the fish before you gonna get the snail eating fish. Not all of them do well with Corydoras.
Yoyos are quite aggressive and I would recommend not having corydoras in with them. They are VERY active and could hurt the corydoras.

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