Starting Up My Shrimp Tank!

^_^ actually, im pretty far from the UK, all the way on the West Coast California, USA. Got my crystals from a fish shop about 30 mins from my area.
See, told you i'm always wrong. :shifty:

Close though.

Thanks three-fingers, now i know what it is, I think it might be trying to flower in the shrimp tank, its got something that looks different to the normal shoots growing out of one stalk. i'll give it a couple of days to see what it turns into and if it is a flower post some pics.

P.S. Sorry for hijacking the thread NovaFox - your tank still looks great :good:
haha its cool :shifty: I would always like to know more as well.. my shrimp seem to be doing very well, but Im thinking of taking out rocks, and maybe just adding a piece of drift wood ( a long one across the tank) and just adding lots and lots of vegetation... but Ill see ^_^
-GASP- :crazy:
one of my Crystal Shrimp died :( Any ideas why? Im gona go check the water stats right now, as i dont have them for my shrimp tank yet, any quick ideas of what happened tho?
-GASP- :crazy:
one of my Crystal Shrimp died :( Any ideas why? Im gona go check the water stats right now, as i dont have them for my shrimp tank yet, any quick ideas of what happened tho?

Sorry, i only just noticed this post... I hope the others are all ok.

To be honest I have no idea why it died but can give a suggestion! If the others are ok then it was probably due to the individual rather than something in the water affecting all of them. Of my original 10 CRS 2 have died already, both times it seemed to be due to problems moulting as their shell was broken on the back as if they were moulting but the shell was still there.
Oooh ya it was just one who was affected, maybe it was the failed molting becasue he looked like a white pale when he died? All my other shrimps seem fine.

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