I too just recently started a 10 gallon, so i'll go ahead and give you what i've got, and its working great and you can go from there.
1 90 GPH powerhead
1 100 GPH HOB filter with media removed (if you have a HOB filter, definately remove the filter media, i spent days wondering where my high nitrates were coming from, basically the only thing holding up my cycle, the nitrates never would come down. I removed the filter media, and water has been stable ever since.)
i personally used Live Sand, but its not necessary
approx 12 pounds of LR
75W heater with adjustable temp (be wary on adjustable temp thermometers. I found out the hard way that due to the amount of flow in your tank, they can register false readings and leave the heater on too long. one morning i woke up and my tank which was set for 79F was at 86F !
after that i went and got a digital thermometer that beeps when you get to a certain temperature, very helpful
18" coralife 50/50 flourescent light bulb 15W (going to replace this, but it works fine for now)
like rock grows things out of it right, like mushrooms and other weird things?
The best i've ever gotten out of a piece of LR is lots of pretty corraline and a starfish. As far as mushrooms and the like, the ones you are thinking of are probably soft corals, which even though you said you want a FOWLR, once you get hooked, you'll want to go reef!
My best piece of advice though (and its posted everywhere) is dont rush your tank. I'm lucky i have a knowledgable staff at my LFS (Local fish store). after my 2nd week, i was wanting to add all sorts of things to my tank, and come to find out, it hadnt completely cycled yet, my lfs was able to keep me from disaster (and a pocket book hit!). Definately spend some time getting to know the employees at your LFS (preferrably one that deals only in fish, not a petco etc) and let them know what you are doing, they can really be your local "guide" and help you out if you communicate exactly what you want to do.
One thing i'm noticing that i have to deal with regularly with my 10 gallon is water fluctuations. a tank so small loses a lot of water, especially with lighting and if you are running a heater in the house.
Hope that helps! just what i've gathered from my short time with my 10 gal. Its really not as daunting as i thought it would be. It just requires dilligence, patience, and a little time! good luck!