Starting Up A 10 Gallon Tank


New Member
Apr 16, 2008
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Ok, well for some time now I’ve been planning on setting up a fresh water aquarium. I’m planning on having…

Male guppies (3)
Neon Tetras (6)
Female betta (1)
Snail (1 little one)
+ maybe some ghost shrimp

This is the equipment that I have...

1 10 gallon tank
Whisper filter + Bio Bags
The thing that blows bubbles (sorry I forgot the name)
Hood + lighting
A submersible heater
A thermometer
Gravel, background, decorations, etc.
2 future Java Ferns

I will begin the cycle using this kit as soon as it gets here next week…

The only thing is that I’m having a really hard time of it finding a bottle of Ammonia without all of the additives. So I’m probably going to end up using fish food instead, but which method would be the best for me to use?

Thank you!!! :)
I will check another store for the ammonia, but if they don't have it how would I go about adding the correct amount of fish food? And what fish food should I use? I have gold fish food and betta food(they are both flakes) The only downfall that I've heard of from a cycle with fish food is that it can be a pain to clean up???
I will check another store for the ammonia, but if they don't have it how would I go about adding the correct amount of fish food? And what fish food should I use? I have gold fish food and betta food(they are both flakes) The only downfall that I've heard of from a cycle with fish food is that it can be a pain to clean up???
No, the biggest downfall of fish food is the lack of measurability/predictablity of the amount of ammonia. Its more important/helpful to be able to control the amount of ammonia going in at various stages of the fishless cycle and fish food is very unpredictable for this. I'd keep trying hard to find a source of "Clear Ammonia" or "Pure Ammonia" (dispite word "pure" its almost allways a 5 or 10% ammonia in water solution itself)

I would second with waterdrop that using the flake is asking for trouble because it is so unpredictable. It might be less hassle, even though it seems like more right now, in the long run to find a good pure ammonia

any grocery store or wholesale store should have something like this. If you strike out there, try a home improvement store. If you can't find something there, I'm sure you will be able to find something to order on the internet.

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