Starting new tank with cycled media


New Member
May 26, 2021
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My 260 litre tank is now fully cycled. I have picked up a 400 litre tank and was going to use media from my tropical fish setup. I have a sump with only alfagrog and sponges. If I was to move over one filter pad with some of the alfagrog into the new setup would that be ok? I would replace what I took with new media.

Picture of cycled sump attached. Thank you
Hey :)
Tricky question :lol:
As english isn't my native language... by saying "from my tropical fish setup." you talk about your "260 litre tank fully cycled" ?
If yes, I'm not sure it'll be enough to be ok (sufficient). It is like robbing Peter to pay Paul : the risk is what one lacks will not be enough for the other.
You can remove up to a third of the media from a mature tank with no problems, a mature tank being one that has been running for at least 6 months after cycling is complete. But from what you wrote, it sounds as though the 260 litre has not been cycled long - is that right? If it is newly cycled, I would not remove much media from the 260 litre, perhaps just a small amount to kick start the cycle in the 400 litre tank.

How much of the total media would "one pad and some alfagrog" be?

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