For a Mixed tank that is actually not that bad ( i have seen a lot lot worse ) Right try and figure some of these out see if you like these for a nicely stocked tank.
The fish with green rings round them could be Melanochromis cyaneorhabdos 'maingano' or melanochromis johanni as both of these species have very similar males and on that pic at that size its pretty impossible to tell. These can be the most aggressive of all mbuna, nearly all Melanochromis species tend to have issues when it comes to aggression, but its not always the case. Any mbuna can be overly aggressive it just happens to be Melanochromis species that more people have issues with (I myself have had no issues what so ever with them).
The fish with the yellow rings round them are again an Melanochromis species these are 'auratus' again can be very aggressive but not always the case.
The ones with the red rings round them look to me like Metriaclima estherae OB, very simliar temperament to most Metriaclima species. The OB's can be very pretty fish especially the males.
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The white fish in the center with a yellow ring round the pic is a Pseudotropheus socolofi Albino, can be a nice fish, so if you like them they look like a thorough bred fish.These can be kept in groups or a trio/pair etc..
The fish with the orange ring's round them are indeed Labidochromis caeruleus (Yellow Lab) So again if you like them and can find a few that look identical to them, then that's another thorough bred fish. These to can be kept in groups or a trio/pair etc..
The fish with the light blue ring's are Pseudotropheus acei (like Jourdan said). This species are very nice and usually do best in groups, they max out at roughly 6".
The Fish with green rings round them look to be Pseudotropheus demasoni. Now these are very pretty fish but very territorial and aggressive and should ideally be kept in a large group of a few males and multiple females or a species only tank.
The 1 fish by itself with the red ring round it is a Metriaclima lombardoi, looks to be a female or it could be a juvenile male. This species too is highly aggressive so if it where me i would avoid these guys.
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All the fish with the red rings around them and fish that look like these (i.e body shape) I would stay away from, they looked to be mixed Aulonocara species, and these fish require a lot more open water space as they get a lot larger than the Mbuna.
The fish with the pink rings round them look to be Metriaclima estherae, sometimes the males are blue and the females orangey/yellow but not always. There looks to a lot of these in that tank (mostly orange) so these to look ok, not perfect but wouldn't class them as a hybrid. The blue one in the bottom left corner could be a metriaclima callainos as his face looks a little different to the estherae's. Again if you like these then go for them, nice fish top out at around 6" just try and avoid 2 males in 1 tank.
The fish in the center with the orange ring round it could be a female Pseudotropheus elongatus ornatus, again a very nice species but not sure if there is any males in there.
The fish with the black ring looks to be a hybrid, it could be a poor bred Saulosi but in all honesty i don't know. Its entirely your choice Riogal on what fish you want but i hope that has helped you out a little, that mixed tank isn't to bad as i have seen soo much worse. You could still make a nice set-up with some of those species just try and choose the best you can out of the bunch.