Starting My First Fishtank

For 2 days it remains 0ppm nitrite. looks like good news ey?

Stock - just realised it's a problem! For Christmas, me and my flat mate are going back to Malta for 10 days. There are just 7days automatic feeders. Is that ok? Will they survive?

I'd like:

2 Males / 6 Females - Guppies
1 Clown Pleco
1 Cory Catfish

Was thinking of just getting 2 Male guppies until New Year when then I can stock everything up.
do you mean an automatic feeder or a big block of food? i didnt think the auto feeders could only do x days (havent used them myself), but either way they should be fine for a copuple of days without food.

Also, becuase you have done a proper fishless cycle, you could fully stock your tank on day 1 if you wanted.

Also, again im no expert here, but your cory might like a bit of company - i would up those numbers
That should be fine, auto feeders alot better method than these so called holiday food tablets.
Skins - I was referring to the holiday food tablets. So should I go to an auto feeder?
The auto-feeders are a safer method than the tablet method. <- is this ok for a 10day setup? <- is this ok for a 10day setup?
The only Issue i see is that it does not tell you how much food it releases on the 12 or 24 hour mark, still a safer bet than the tablets.
Try and see if you can find one that consists of chambers, each chamber represents one day and you can put the ammount of food in that you think your fish will consume for that 24hr period.

do you mean an automatic feeder or a big block of food? i didnt think the auto feeders could only do x days (havent used them myself), but either way they should be fine for a copuple of days without food.

Also, becuase you have done a proper fishless cycle, you could fully stock your tank on day 1 if you wanted.

Also, again im no expert here, but your cory might like a bit of company - i would up those numbers

with regards to the cory and clown .. will cory fit 2 in my seabed? i guess since there is a bit of plants it will get too cluttered no?
have 4 happy guppies - 1 male 3 females [male is horny! lol]
and 2 very shy cories - 1 is lazy, shy and intelligent - the other is energetic at times lazy at others
wahay for fish!!! i bet its seems like a long time coming...

As for fish stocks, you have got buckets of space for bottom feeders on a 4 ft tank
yeah you're right :)

looks like the male guppy has been buys ;) ;) fry in christmas :D

I am now getting a lot of algae. Should I go for Ramshorn Snails? Will they live good in my aquarium? I read they can infest my aquarium. Any taughts on them?

Just read that the Clown Pleco is not an algae eater. So he won't feature in my aquarium! :(
I would recommend that you buy a starter pack it saves money and is just easier
by the way gold fish are the dirtiest fish you can have and the tank must be cleaned every week!
Also if buying goldfish you really don't need a heater that is necessary for tropical.
Hope it helped :)

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