Starting All Over! A Few Questions, Please!


New Member
Mar 27, 2006
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Starting over! Just siphoned the last of the "toxic soup" and plan to add spring water. I live in the country and there is a natural spring near here with crystal clear water. It is the best water you ever tasted...very clean, no taste or smell. It is a lower ph than my tap water. Has anyone ever added spring water? Is there any reason it would not be good in the tank?
Also wish to raise some rock in my tank and wondering if there are any rules about plastics? Would, say, a throw away plastic butter bowl cause any problems? Thanks! :huh:

I've never used spring water so i can't really comment on that except what if you get a dead sheep or something in the water futher upstream :sick: Any food safe plastic should be safe for use with fish so long as it is cleaned thoroughly first, be careful how you position it to avoid dead spots in the water, and to avoid fish getting trapped.

Emma :)
I honestly don't see the benefit from using spring or bottled water over your tap water. If you think your tap water is really nasty and mineral-y, then I guess go for it --- it won't hurt, but I don't see it making any difference. janragan, what happened to your tank that you're deciding to use spring water instead?


For people using bottled water, find the PPM (parts per million) of minerals of your water; sometimes this is on the bottle and sometimes on their website. Evian Water is over 300 PPM which is slightly less than what is allowed as the absolute maximum -- i.e., very mineral-y. Most good true spring waters are between 30 and 100 PPM. I drink Ozarka water when I'm on the go and look at all the minerals in it listed here.

Only distilled water is zero PPM which is bad for people to drink all the time (we need some minerals), but distilled water is great for fish tanks -- if you can afford to do it.

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