Starting A Second Tank


New Member
Nov 15, 2006
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New York
Ok I have just purchased a second 20 gallon tank that I plan to set up this weekend. I amgoing to do a fishless cycle this time. I don't want to put any fish through a cycle again. I do have a cycled 20 gallon tank running already. My question is if I do a partical water change on my current tank can I add that water to the new tank to speed up the cycle? What if I also do a gravel vac and add that "gunk" to the new tank will taht help? I plan to keep Guppies, platies and some albino corys in my new tank. Thanks
As newtotropical said, run the new filter in parallel for several weeks in the existing cycled tank. Don't bother with water and gunk.

After that time, fill the new tank with dechlirinated water, and transfer the filter across. You should then add your fish, or add ammonia daily to keep the bacteria running until you are ready.


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