starting a new 30 gal


New Member
Aug 15, 2004
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would it be ok to eventually add
6x Tiger Barbs
4x Bala Sharks
to a 30 gal
Common plecos get too big for a 30 gallon. I'm pretty sure the sharks do too but I'm not positive.
The tiger barbs would be fine though.
What type of plecos? The only kind that I would put in a tank that size would be a bristlenose. A 30 gallon is too small for Bala sharks.

I agree with Diver...the barbs would do well.
thanks guys for your help. I apreciate it. I tohught that bala sharks would probably get too big. What other fish would do well with the barbs
willis_881 said:
thanks guys for your help. I apreciate it. I tohught that bala sharks would probably get too big. What other fish would do well with the barbs
the answer to that question is
Barbs :D
:lol: thanks just wondering if angels would do well with them
Definitely not. Barbs are notorious fin nippers. They would destroy the poor angels. If you really want sharks get a rainbow or red tailed shark. I have one with my tiger barbs and they do fine. they only get 5 or 6 inches. Only get one though, as they are aggressive with each other. Hope this helps. :p
If you get Bala sharks you will need a HUGE tank for when they are older.

A 30 gallon doesnt give you much choice to be honest. Have you already bought the tank? If not I suggest you try and get a 50Gallon as this gives you much more room..

bunjiweb said:
If you get Bala sharks you will need a HUGE tank for when they are older.

A 30 gallon doesnt give you much choice to be honest. Have you already bought the tank? If not I suggest you try and get a 50Gallon as this gives you much more room..

Indeed it does. I recently purchased a 46 gallon and it's not even half stocked, with one betta, 3 platies and 2 clown loaches. The betta and platies will probably be moving soon anyway. I still want to get 2 angels, a small school of cardinals and several discus.
David said:
I still want to get 2 angels, a small school of cardinals and several discus.
ermm I maybe wrong but arn't cardinal and neon
tetras the natural diet for angel fish? :dunno:
There is some great green and albino varieties of the common tiger barb on the market. Be sure to try and pick up a few of these, as they will all shoal together, making it an impressive viewing.
danio2004 said:
David said:
I still want to get 2 angels, a small school of cardinals and several discus.
ermm I maybe wrong but arn't cardinal and neon
tetras the natural diet for angel fish? :dunno:
Not if you get small angels and big cardinals... cardinals get about twice as big as neons by the way. Most angels will have a hard time swallowing something of that size.

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