Starting a Nano-Cube Salt water tank


New Member
Jul 4, 2004
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Athens, GA
Hey, I'm starting a new 12g nano-cube salt water tank. I have had success with a salt water tank before, but it was much bigger (30 gallon). I haven't had a salt water tank though for 4 years.

I recently bought a nano-cube and was wondering if anyone had any tips with setting up a salt water tank? What i mean by tips is anything I should add in addition to what came with the system.

I have read that the pump (106 gallons/hr) is probably a little small. Any suggestions on a brand and size pump? Also, should I get a small pump to put in the tank itself (the filtration is in the back of the tank) for cycling?

Finally, the filtration comes with sponges, bio balls, activated charcoal, and ceramic "tubes". Any suggestion on how I should arrange the filter media? There are three compartents and currently i have 3 square "sponges" in the first compartment, the ceramic tubes and charcoal in the 2nd, and a sponge and bio balls in the third. The fourth one has the water pump and I will probably add a small heater.

I'm planning on making this into a reef tank with at most 1 (maybe 2) fish.

Any suggestions or comments are appreciated and thanks in advance to anyone who has read this lengthy post.
I'd suggest heading over to, they have a lot of articles and then theres the forums which contain a wealth of information. :thumbs:

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