Starting A Marine Set-up (almost Nano)


New Member
Mar 19, 2008
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Okay so after keeping tropical freshwater fish for a number of years I have finally plucked up the courage and money to start a Marine tank. Right so I have just bought a tank on here off another member, it is a UK 30G size and is approx 3ft x 1ft x 1ft. I feel this is a nice size for lighting and so forth, also room restricts the size of tank. Now I currently have read basically all I can read on this site about set-up, fish, corals, lighting, heating. You name it I have read it.
My aim is to have a reef set-up being able to accomadate soft corals, inverts and fish. This thread will probably end up being a journal as i go along, so bare with me! :good: I will be changing the lighting and heating. Here is what I have bought already:
1) Caribsea Arag-alive Bahamas Oolite 20 lbs
2) New jet NJ600
3) Hydor Koralia 1 circulation pump 1500 LPH
4) Reef Crystals Sea Salt 4kg 120Litres
5) Visitherm Combined Heater 100W
6) Also have bought thermometers, hydrometer and jericans!!!

First off what do you think of heater and circulation will it be ok? I will use both powerheads to give me a circualtion of around X23 maybe more.

Right now on to the first main question!! :unsure: With the tank i have got a Eheim ecco external filter, now eventually I will want to get a sump, but my question is will the filter be ok to use with live rock in and maybe some other things for the time being or not?? Ideally it would be good to give me a bit of time to construct the sump. What do you think??

2) Also will it be ok to use the standard tank lighting for cycling? I havent tried it yet but it isnt anything amazing!!

Anyhelp will be greatly appreciated guys.
Pics of tank will come soon
Thanks alot
Thoughts / answers to your questions:

NJ600 - i'd try and return this and try and get one of the hydor koralia nanos, much better water movement and most importantly no suction cups!
Salt - you're going to need more than that soon, you'll need a big water change before adding livestock
Circulation - fine
Heating - fine
Ecco filter - yes, great for live rock / GFO etc
Lighting - well you haven't said what you have :rolleyes:... but it's not really an issue until corals get involved

good luck!

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