Starting A Coral Aqaurium


New Member
Aug 21, 2005
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Tennessee (USA)
I want to start a tropical tank that is not guppies. and i want really cool sea plants in it. But i only have room for a 10 gal tank in my dorm room. is this enough tank space for the type of tank im wanting. :dunno: Thanks for your replys.
Try the marine section (near the bottom). A 10 gallon tank really isn't the best size to start with due to stability problems and limited stocking but it is possible if you are prepared to put in the effort.

There are a couple of tank diaries in the marine section that are definatly worth reading and a good book would be a wise first investment.

ps. corals arn't plants.
a marine tank is alot of hard work and money.i suggest you read all of the pinned topics on it
....and more!

I read and researched from time to time over a period of about 3 months before i started setting up my nano-reef tank. But bare in mind it requires plenty of work and can go horribly wrong if you don't put in the time.

Agree with Bunjiweb...I have a 24G and sometimes there's not much to do. Others, a ton. My new boxed tank sat on the living room floor for over a month plus before setup....just reading and researching.....which is the BEST place to start when preparing a marine tank. Tonite, eg, I had over an hour of work to do on the tank.

A 10G IS a small tank. However, some people have set up 'pico' tanks..only a couple of gallons. But..the smaller it is..the more potential for problems/headaches since there is not a lot of water volume to absorb errors. If you plan to go this route, I caution you that you MUST READ UP ON IT. Still..the larger the tank you can do, the better off you are...same as FW. SH

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