Starting A 4X2X2 Marine Tank

Tank measures 4x2x2ft, so approx 120g (us)

The live rock i bought has been out of water for a couple of months so would it still be cured? (i'm bidding on another 40kg thats still in water now)

Regarding cycling, hows the best way to start it? Fill the tank up with RO water, add the salt, heat, add sand and rocks?

I know from keeping tropical fish you would run the filter, but as the Live rock and sand work as filtration an external filter isnt needed.

It the skimmer needed to be running during the cycling process? If i could have a quick step by step on starting cycling i'd appreciate that alot :)

Thanks Matt
If you can use a smaller tank foe curing that would be better, as it can take months to re-cure the rock. Do you have a basement or garage you can use as the curing process is very smelly. Quick step by step:

1. Fill a tank with salt water with the SG at 1.025.
2. Place an powerhead and heater in, temp should be 25c.
3. Place the rock in the tank.
4. Place a some fish food into the tank, so it can break down into ammonia and feed the bacteria you are trying to grow in your rock.
5. Test the water after a week for ammonia, nitrate and nitrites
6. Keep testing untill you get a reading of 0, this can take months.
7. Change the 3/4 of the tank water
8. After a week test the water and if it is still 0 then you have cured your rock and it is now ready to place into your aquarium with your other rock
That is fantastic! Thank you very much!

My RO Unit will be with me in the next few days so I can get started by this weekend :)

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