Start Of My 70G

ahhh (sweary) i missed your funny pic...

nice start btw...skimmer looks pretty big too. nice use of the water tubs too
That looks massive :good:

Ehhhh Ben, :blush: sorry to be the moral Police, but can you get rid of that 'four letter' word please (and no I dont mean 'your') before PrincessCoral, MinnieMe and the like come on here :good: thanks me old m8

Seffie x
After draining, cutting away all the old silicone, then resiliconing the overflow box, it's still LEAKING!!!!!!! Its weird, I slowly filled, then checked overflow, still dry.. So i filled some more, checked overflow, Still dry... Hey I must of got the leak, right on.... So plugged the pump in, let the rest of the water flow too the tank, while i cleaned out some tubs.... All done filling now, add the rock back in.. Have another look in the overflow box, And with my Great luck, What do I see, WATER!!!leaking from the same Place, I Added more then enough silicone everywhere.........
Bought myself about 50LBS or so of live Rock today, ITs loaded with Critters, which im excited about.. So far seen 2 star fish, a few worms, And One snail appeard then dug into the sand bed, Also some sponges, and loaded with a bunch of these white tube like things, ANy Idea what these are?

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