Fish Fanatic
Hi everyone
The tank is a 180 (U.S.) gallon and dimensions are 6' x 2' x 2'. The current stock list consists of:
18 x Zebra Danio
20 x Harlequin Rasbora
15 x Diamond Tetra
10 x Swordtail
6 x Boesemani Rainbowfish
5 x Red Line Torpedo Barbs
5 x Pearl Gourami
10 x Sterba's Corydoras Catfish
10 x Kuhli Loach
4 x Keyhole Cichlid
4 x Blue Rams
30 x Cardinal Tetras
I was wondering if a Starlight Bristlenose Plec (1 male and 2 females actually. L183) would go well with this set up or if that's asking for disaster?
Thank you!
The tank is a 180 (U.S.) gallon and dimensions are 6' x 2' x 2'. The current stock list consists of:
18 x Zebra Danio
20 x Harlequin Rasbora
15 x Diamond Tetra
10 x Swordtail
6 x Boesemani Rainbowfish
5 x Red Line Torpedo Barbs
5 x Pearl Gourami
10 x Sterba's Corydoras Catfish
10 x Kuhli Loach
4 x Keyhole Cichlid
4 x Blue Rams
30 x Cardinal Tetras
I was wondering if a Starlight Bristlenose Plec (1 male and 2 females actually. L183) would go well with this set up or if that's asking for disaster?
Thank you!