I decided I wanted to play the game again, as I hadn't played in years! Went out and bought the battle chest. I installed it (it had the original and BW CD and one CD key) when I finished I ran the game as administrator and went onto battle.net. I said I had to download the patches. I did. It said it was restarting the game. When I got back on, it said something like "STORM_ERROR..." and said there was something wrong with installing the patches. I went onto the internet, downloaded the patches, ran them as administrator, and tried again. This time I thought they worked (went to a black window and said they installed successfully) but when I went onto the game it said that they couldn't locate the application version and to try reinstalling the game and if that didn't work I had a virus on my computer. I reinstalled the game, downloaded the patches from a different source and installed them again. Still didn't work. I tried the original and to my surprise I can play the original. Talk to Blizzard Support and they didn't really have any idea why but said to try and install the game and patches in safe mode. Did it, and didn't change anything. Anyways suggestions on how to get Brood War going? Also, any players?