Staple Food For Your Fish


Fish Fanatic
Apr 27, 2006
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New York City, USA
I know people like treating their fishies to bloodworms, brineshrimp and whatnot. But what do you people feed your fish usually? I ask this question because my tube of TetraColor Flake food for tropical fish is empty and would like to know what I should get. I own some angelfish. I haven't heard anybody feeding them chihilid pellets even though they are chihilids. Most people feed them flake food? If so, what kind/brand do you use? :)
Not promoting anything cause they aint gonna pay me no big bucks to do it. But I use TetraFin goldfish flakes. 1.0 oz can will last a long time then I usually throw in a treat like squash or zuccinni I also have a bag of Wardley's Algae Discs that have gone a long way. They're for my plec when I don't think he's getting enough to eat. Plus the other guppies danios and the beta love em too.

I've had that one bag for the past 3 years and the flakes I buy a refill from Meijers round every 3mo. or so. Just bought the big can this time cause I wanted it to last longer. I've never actually bought the live or frozen fish food. Why spend the money when theres guppy fry to snack on :shifty:
I use flake food, then supplement with frozen bloodworms, algae disks (otos), shrimp pellets (kuhlis and cories, and most all the fish, truthfully!), peas. I feed twice a day, then skip a day maybe once a week. About 2x a week is when they get the bloodworms, except for the DP who eats only that. The algae disks and shrimp pellets are given about 3-4x a week. The peas I give once every 2 weeks or so, just to help keep them going good.
I use veggie waffers
(farowella, false flying fox, pleco, and candy stripe pleco)

I use Blood worms and brine shrimp
(Senegal Bichir, Peacock eels, Discus)

And then I use Betta pellets.
(betta, and the Draguun, the african butterfly fish who now rests in Alfred, the senegal's, belly)
I feed once a day. I feed flakes every other day. The other days I alternate between frozen blood worms, frozen brine shrimp, and live black worms.

Two or three times a week I drop in some pellets for the corys.

I usually use Aquarian flake, but have just finished a tub of Nutrafin. Also TetraTabiMin catfish tablets, and the Tetra pleco food. And the Tetra fry food. And for "livefoods" TetraDelica jellied food.
I feed flakes (I vary the brand usually to give variety), algae disks, frozen bloodworms, blackworms, peas (I used to use them quite often but hadn't had cause to for a while but will start again thanks to a few new additions) and occassionally brine shrimp. As a staple diet, depending on the fish in question, the majority of the food consists of algae disks (for the bristlenoses and whiptails), blackworms (for the eels) and flakes (for everything else). Everything else is fed every other day and I fast them periodically to rest their digestive tracts.
I alternate between the traditional tetramin flake food and algae flakes every day. About 2 times per month I will brew up some live BBS. I've found, though that while my livebearers love them, my gouramis and angels seem to be oblivious. Another 2 times per month, I feed them frozen tubiflex worms.

I've heard a lot about how diets need to be varied, so I'm hoping this is enough variety.
I give TetraMin Complete Food on weekdays, TetraMin Flake Food on weekends, and King British Catfish Pellets as the Corydoras never get the food, it's snapped up immediately. Though suprisingly the Tetras go wild for the Catfish Pellets, and often watch the Corydoras dig and eat the bits that fly up.

I only feed them once a day and don't feed them on Tuesdays or Fridays so that I don't overfeed them.

I sometimes give Daphnia as a rare treat and am planning to culture Grendal Worms soon enough.
Omega One is a good staple flake. Read the ingredients on the back of various fish flakes, the ingredients are listed largest percentage first. You have to have some wheat products & such as binders, the less the better.

I feed 4 different flakes on a rotating schedule besides Omega flake. Some I order fom AngelsPlus, others I buy locally. I get in a couple of pounds of flake at a time, best bet for a tank or two is to stick with the Omega.
In the community tank I feed TetraColor flake every day, along with New Life Spectrum pellets (very small), then algae discs every other day, and frozen daphnia 2-3 times a week.

In the small brackish tank, I feed every other day, and alternate between frozen brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, and bloodworms. Sometimes I'll feed snails, frozen clam on the half shell, and krill.

In the big brackish tank I feed a lot of the same, although I mix some flake in as well.
I use and recommend Hikari. I noticed a huge difference in color and activeness from feeding my fish TetraMin Flakes for 2 months and then switching. I alternate between the micro-pellets and the cichlid food for my rams. I would also recommend Omega One if you can't find Hikari. Omega One is the only brand my lfs carries and they only carry the best of what's available.
I always do frozen, Hikari spirulina enriched brine shrimp, glass worms blood worms and live black worms. Then I'll throw a pinch of flake in every once in a while when I'm in a rush and don't have time to thaw. although hikari does a really great job sterilizing their brine so putting shrinkwrap over a plastic cup and storing in the fridge has worked well too.


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