In two more days it will be two weeks since I did a water change. This will be only the second time I've gone that long without a change of water. What I notice about weekly water changes..or even after the two weeks, is that the plants lose the deep green color for awhile. Then,I have to mega dose iron,potassium and maybe epsom salts. Then,more waiting for the colors to deepen.
So maybe I can go a month this time?
I think those aquascapers who make massive weekly changes?..THEY have dosing going in daily. Maybe if they weren't changing the water so often,they wouldn't need to daily dose or dose the amounts they do- right? Most of them have so few fish..or nano fish,why huge changes? The y have almost no strain on the filters in bio loads.
One thing I am doing twice a week is...replacing the water that evaporates..its about 12 gallons of water per week..maybe more. The Syngonium is sucking water up I bet like my tank is an oasis.
Other things I want to do ? Take some of the potted aquarium plants out..wash off most of the old soils,and replace with fresh. The Swords and Crypts could use some freshening up.
See,now if I had used a dirted tanks and planted them in it.. I would have to breakdown the whole tank.
Why I use pots!