Check out Craigslist Viking. You might find one used for $500 on average. If somebody is moving they might really go low..give it away. Never know.Wish I could talk the wife into having a big tank like yours. Love the plants, looks very nice. What types of fish do you have?
Thanks, it has been growing nicely, I took some out two or three weeks ago and put it into my 55 gallon tetra tank to make a small forest at one end of the tank. As soon as these grow big I plan on moving more. When I start on my new tank it will have some too. Just a really nice plant. My Java ferns are all in my LOTR 55 gallon tetra tank. This summer I am thinking of changing it to a sunken forest with several tree stumps.Nice Anacharis. My favorite plant. I have both broad (my favorite) and narrow leaved Anacharis. I also keep lacy Java fern, duckweed, Salvinia, frogbit, Anubias, etc.
All easy to grow plants, but I love them!![]()