Stained Glass Bettas

hey! I didn't know they had art categories. I couldn't find anything on the texas society show. I emailed them, and the MPC one for info on if they have an art category. I found that the philidelphia one does have an art category and there'll be plenty of time to make a variety of them for that show!

Hopefully there is an art category at a few others too! Shouldn't be too hard to at least get a little profit from them at the shows! But, I'd have to enter at least four at each show to make the shipping cost worth it!

You can just ask wuvmybetta, she's a member (co-chair, even?) of the Texas Betta Society :nod:
Their homepage is located here:

I seem to remember there being some drawings last time, so I'm pretty sure there is an art category, yep yep!
Thanks Synirr, I just found out that the other ones all have the art category too if people submit them. I think I'd end up keeping 75% of the auction bid if I pay the $2 or $3 to show the pieces. That seems more sensible than not showing them and only keeping 50%!!!

So, if you go to the show in Texas, you'll likely see some of them there!

thanks Penny!

I was waiting to see if anyone wanted any in specific colours/etc. If not, I'll likely create some in nice/common betta colours and offer them on the board :)

Finally remembered to upload these :D

Those are wicked cute, I want!!!

Synirr, that pic of Gabriel is the spitting image of one of the boys you brought me. It's uncanny how identical they are *runs off to take a pic*
I'd love one :) I'm sure some of my friends would want some too :) You could make a mint :D Good luck at the shows!

Hey Wuv,

Thanks for the kind words. If you (or anyone wants one) please PM me and we can work out colours/etc. I can also drop the price for anyone who buys multiple stained glass bettas ;) Cheers,


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