Stained Glass Bettas


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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Ezrock was kind enough to make these for me in exchange for two pairs of plakats... They're even modeled after two of my own little men!! :wub:

It was already dark by the time I got home and checked the mail today so I had no sunny windows to take pics of them in front of, but here's a poor substitute :p


And, because ezrock is awesome, some bonus butterflies! My mother has already claimed the pink and blue one for her office window, hehe

EDIT: The betta brothers the glass fish were modeled after...

and Sage (he has always had those splits in his fins, they don't heal)
Aww too cute! He could make some money off those bad boys, I'd buy one :nod:
nice work..ang gabriel is the most handsome fellow.he's just got something about him.he's my fave out of your guys.

haha :*)

I wasn't expecting Synirr to post them on the actual forum!!! lol oh well.

Glad people seem to like them. It was really fun to make some stained glass of two very specific fish, and I enjoyed the challenge of it. I was surprised at how well the turned out...the colours of the glass ended up being just about as close as I could have hoped for.

If anyone else does want them, they can feel free to send me a PM through the forum.

Synirr: any chance you can get a picture of them in a sunny window at some point? That should show the colours/etc even better.


Nice work Ian. You could do them by commision maybe. Otherwise, just some nice colorful ones I think might make a big hit and be a good moneymaker for you at artfairs in the summer. I was doing those for awhile and taking some small easy to set up pieces to sell to get cashflow going. Good stuff Ian!!
HappyAnnie: Do you think there would be enough interest in stained glass bettas (specifically) at an artfair in the summer? I'm not too sure about that, but general stained glass suncatchers (butterflies, flowers, whatever) could do well at that kind of summer fair.

I've done other, simpler ones in the past and they were fairly easy to make. Somewhere, I think I have pictures of a veiltail cambo, and a cambo HM betta I made in stained glass.

OA and anyone else interested in them, depending on whether you want specific ones (matching your real bettas) or ones I come up with on my own (they'd likely be somewhate simpler than the ones I made for Synirr), they'd be anywhere from $30 to $45 including shipping (a little more than this to ship to anywhere non-USA/non-Canada). Please remember, though, that it is a form of artwork that can take quite some time to do :nod:

Like i said before, anyone can PM me if they want one.

Yeah with the long flowing fins--VT's-- in reds and other bright colors--and also commons colors of the ones sold at LFS--yes. If you put signs on them as Siamese Fighting Fish (Bettas) I think you'd get some interest going. Remember pet stores are selling them in plastic cups so there are alot of people buying them who aren't posting in here. The pet/farm supply place where I go alot even sells alot of them. You might test market them to see...Is there a store you can place these in to see how they do? Do you have a local pet store maybe that would take them on consignment or just outright buy them? Even if you're breaking even, you can see what the market likes...just ideas for you. Not written in stone. If you do artfairs it's always smart to have a cross section until you get to be a pro at it and know what moves and what doesn't. I used to sell alot of smaller drawings but they were colored pencil work which took a loooong time to do so I know what you mean. At the high end shows you can charge a bit more for your work. I ended at a few without knowing what they'd be like that were NOT high end and were a total embarrassment. So best to know what the audience and market is upfront. Just encouraging you to market them as they are good and unique too...!!
Synirr: any chance you can get a picture of them in a sunny window at some point? That should show the colours/etc even better.
I'll try to get that done tomorrow, sure thing :)

You know, you should enter these in a betta show! There's an art category sometimes, then you could have them auctioned off afterwards and make a bit of cash! I bet solid coloured HM types would do well with the breeders and would be fairly simple in design. Here are some upcoming shows you could ship to :nod: (note there's one in Texas, hint hint :lol:)

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