I definitely no fan of snakes (probably because I've had one too many surprise encounters in our garden in South Africa - which is also home to the Black Mamba) but your beardie is gorgeous
Great pictures, your beardie is so cute!! I had an iguana who used to go walking around the garden
Is that a corn snake in there too? I had a pair of those as well, but mine were darker orange Ooh, and whats that black snake?! He's really pretty!! Im planning to get a mexican black kingsnake when i eventually stop being lazy and get my own place, I love black snakes!
Gorgeous snakes! That python has beautiful golden coloring! And the black snake...it almost looks like a black corn...is there such a thing? It's striking!
Those are some cool reptiles. I used to intern at Miami Metro Zoo. There was a Burmese python over there that I was particularly attached to, literally. He would wrap himself around my waist while I was cleaning cages. It is the only snakeskin belt you'll ever see me where.
WOW thanks everyone for the kind words..... it seems that i have a bit of a problem now though the snow corn (albino) has gotten out and is lost somehwere in my house i've search high and low but he' hasn't turned up yet.. wish me luck
but thanks for the noms
You poor thing, corn's are one of the best escape artists ever.
Good luck, did you search dark, slim places?
You could try to make a trap with dead small mouse.