Spray Thingy


Fish Gatherer
May 7, 2010
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so, my brother was changing his hamsters cage, and sprayed this spay thing on hamster items in the room with my tank.
when i asked him not to he said its not gonaa kill them.

so is it or is it not going to kill them if sprayed in the same room, if hes not careful with it.

i remember Seffie saying she had fish die from flee stuff
You need to be really careful with sprays around the tank as there are all sorts of things in the spray so you really do need to avoid it!

Ask seffie as in my thread about air fresheners they were saying about nitrates and stuff in the sprays that obviously you don't want to get in the tank!
I have a rule in my house, NO sprays of any sort allowed :blink: have a look at the back of the can and show him what's in there, you might be surprised at how nasty it can be!

Seffie x

ps best thing is to get your parents on side and let them sort it out
yeah told my dad yesturday that nothing like that should be sprayed by it.
and £120 live stock, i dont think he would risk it :lol:

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