Spray Bar

In a balanced tank, surface agitation can be minimised. Bear in mind though, that a balanced tank is invariably stocked at very low levels. The typical "fish soup" community tanks filled to breaking point with fish do not fall into this category.
Hmmm so it might be a bad idea after all? :dunno:

I dont think i'm overstocked........

3 gourami
5 mollies - 15-20 molly fry
5 corries
2 bn Plecos
2 adfs
and a crap load of snails

in a 30g
Stryker said:
Correct. I've read about some tanks where the plants pretty much provide everything the fish need, inc filtration.
You still need something to move the water around. If you have gravel and a low fish stocking, you can acheive this. A powerhead that blows water across some gravel may be enough. Plants are the best filters in the world; in addition to sucking up nutrients they deter alage, keep your fish happy, encourage mating behavior and look good. I'd like to see ANY man-made filtration system do all that. Plants don't help with nitrITE problems; that's the sole function of a filter in a well-planted tank. I use a sightly undersize filter for my planted tank; the plants suck up ammonia like there's no tomorrow.

Barday, you probably are a bit overstocked, but with good water changes and a good-sized filter you will be fine.

Spray bars are a good idea for reducing currents in your tank; although currents are benificial for most fish - it provides excercise which in turn causes their fins to develop properly.

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