Spotted Rasboras Or Ember Tetras?


New Member
Oct 13, 2007
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Since my 10 gallon tank is nearing the end of its cycle (yipee!!) I am going to order my fishies pretty soon. I originally had it all planned out and selected my fish from the sticky on stocking a 10 gallon community tank on here BUT now I am having second thoughts regarding one of my fish selections. I had planned to have a small school of Spotted Rasboras but came across some Ember Tetras on the same site that I am going to order my fish from and now I don't know which one to choose.

Does anyone have either of these fish? What can you tell me about them? Which would be the better choice if there is such a thing?

Thanks :)
I have a small shoal of ember tetras (6). They're both beautiful quite hardy, but they never leave the plants in the lower level of the tank except to feed. I've heard they get bolder in large groups. With your tank size such a larger shoal might not be feasible sadly.

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