Spotted Raphael Catfish


Nyah Nyah Nyah!
Mar 12, 2005
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well one link says they only need 10 gallons, though I think a 20 would be better. You could get one of those cheaper and smaller, and just for the catfish.
they get along fine with most things as they just hide away in some wood all MUST have wood in the tank, they use this to rub up against and stops films growing over there eyes.

you should also buy a small groupd of atleast 3 other wise you just won't see them, after a while in a groups they will start to come out.
They grow to 8 inches so a tank a bit bigger than a 20g would be needed for 3 adults, something along the lines of 55g would be more like it.
I have a 20 gallon. Trouble with buying another tank, even if it's a 10 gallon is there's the substrate, the heater, the filter, the plants, and then finding somewhere to put it (regardless of size). I'd rather wait, save, and get a BIG tank. like 125G. Mmm.

Got plenty of wood in the tank so that wouldn't be a problem

I also saw they had at least one candy striped Plec

It was real tiny, maybe 1.5 inches. Soooooo lovely. This seems to be a bit smaller than the Spotted Raphael, but slightly territorial? Would this be a better or worse choice?
Are you sure they grow to 8 inches? I've seen everything from 4 to 5 inches...
Regardless, even 3 adults in a 20 gallon at 4 or 5 inches is too many.
how much was the pleco?

I think that would be best, as they stay small.
wrs said:
how much was the pleco?

I think that would be best, as they stay small.
I don't honestly remember, but it was around 5 bucks i think...
They are lovely fish, but I never EVER see mine :no: I had to actually check the other day to see if I still had it. In fact I think I'm going to rehome it as I've only seen it once in about 2 years now :sly: - no twice - when I bought it and when I checked to see if I still had it. :lol:
I went with the candy striped pleco. It was $6.49
I got one good pic so far, gonna try and get some of the lil fella in the tank tomorrow.


I can't wait to find out if it's male or female!
Paul_MTS said:
sorry but you have clown plec!!

max size is 5" and they chew on wood so make sure you have some!
Yeah, you're right.


I have plenty of wood, so that's good (and it also explains why he's permanently latched onto a piece lol)

These fish really like to have something to chew on and squash, cucumber, and other vegetables should be readily available to them (yams are a favourite). Supplement two to three times weekly with frozen foods.

How often should I feed cucumber/squash?
How can I be sure that he'll actually get to eat any of the frozen brine shrimp I put in? All my other fish go crazy for it and I generally 'hand feed' it through a pipette to make sure every one of them gets some...
I don't want to hijack your thread, but I saw some raphaels at my LFS and I fall in love with their little eyes everytime. I wouldn't mind getting 3 or 4 in my 120 gallon, but would they eat smaller fish like neons?

do they get along with plecos and other catfish?
Hijack all you like :)

Paul seems to know alot , but he suggested earlier buying a group of 3, so I think that would be fine.
pseud said:
Hijack all you like :)

Paul seems to know alot , but he suggested earlier buying a group of 3, so I think that would be fine.
I just don't want them to be tempted to eat my neons once they grow larger. :p

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