Spotted Cat, Synodontis Angelicus


New Member
Sep 24, 2006
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I've always loved these guys, and I just picked up two the other day. I noticed there is no entry in the fish index for them.

Does anyone have any advice on keeping them happy and healthy? I'm keeping them in a highly filtered 90 USG with a couple angels and a few discus, pH ~6.5.

I'll post some pics soon!
They are probably not the best tankmates for discus and angel fish as their nocturnal rumagings will probably upset the angels and discus as they sleap and stress them out, it might work out ok but keep an eye out for signs of stress such as darkening of colour and loss of appetite.
they will eat anything they get their mouths on.i was recently going to purchase one and make a syno species tank with a buncg of other cfc said,they will scarfe your sleeping fish while they are dashing around at night.

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