Spotted African Leaf Fish

i have a spotted african leaf fish i bought from my LFS in my 10 gal tank (about 1 in. long maybe 1.5 (the fish)) with 4 zebra danios of about the same size. fo far i've been able to keep him/her (idk how to tell a difference) fed on frozen brine shrimp pellets.

he looks about like this

Ya there awesome little guys. I bought two from Pet Co. about A year ago and there fun to watch. But I don't believe any thing I've been told or herd on line about them.When I bought my African leaf fish as they were called in the pet store. I was told they were semi aggressive. But I have them In A Tank with 2 platys,3 African killi fish,1 Peacock eel, 3 Opaline groumies, 5 Fancie guppies,6 Tetras,1 Alge eater, 2 Tiger barbs, 2 Red eyed puffers and my 2 African leaf fish. They all are very active and have no problems. My leaf fish are about 3 inches and don't bother any of my small fish. They love there blood worms and ghost shrimp.
Ya there awesome little guys. I bought two from Pet Co. about A year ago and there fun to watch. But I don't believe any thing I've been told or herd on line about them.When I bought my African leaf fish as they were called in the pet store. I was told they were semi aggressive. But I have them In A Tank with 2 platys,3 African killi fish,1 Peacock eel, 3 Opaline groumies, 5 Fancie guppies,6 Tetras,1 Alge eater, 2 Tiger barbs, 2 Red eyed puffers and my 2 African leaf fish. They all are very active and have no problems. My leaf fish are about 3 inches and don't bother any of my small fish. They love there blood worms and ghost shrimp.

Holy thread revival, Batman!
(last post to you was May 2009)

I would not be surprised to hear of your guppies and possibly your African killifish (depending upon species) "going missing" by the time your Ctenopoma reach 4-5" long. I have four of these, with one being ~5" long and he is the main reason I have not begun my fish juggle between my 4- and 5-foot tanks, as I have some young Barilius hukaungensis that might make tempting tankmates.

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