

Fish Addict
Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
Land of The Shining Corn
I'm going to post a photo of my rescue/adopted betta Bevo. I put him in a 10 gallon tank about 3 weeks ago. He's been adjusting to it. I've noticed he has black spots on his fins and seems to be rather inactive. He comes up to eat but otherwise just lies about in the bottm of his tank. Thanks in advance for any advice!!


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Funny, I was just looking at the black spot link you posted. I put in some java moss from a tank with snails after washing it thoroughly. Maybe not good enough then?
Black fins are ammonia burns that are healing.
Did the spots appear after the moss or before.
I'm trying to recall... I think he only had a few before.
I just looked back at a photo from Dec, and he did have a few then. Do you think his fins look frayed or am I being too much of a worrier?
I'm enclosing his Dec photo.


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Hard to tell in the pic but they do look abit tatty.
Get you a good finrot link.

I can seen some white eding to the fins is this correct.
I would add a bacterial med then and not melafix,as white edging to fins is bacterial finrot.
The fins don't look that healthy to me.
Ok I think I'll treat for fin rot although his water is and has been very clean. Maybe the stress of moving him... I'll treat for that. It's hard to know what's what with all this sometimes..
Uk myxazin.
United states maracyn.
Good luck.

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