SpongeBobSquare Pants Tank!


New Member
Jun 7, 2004
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when i went to buy my litttle betta, i saw a tank, SpongeBob Square pant's house! i was thinking about getting another betta and getting that tank. but on one of the forums( if that's what you call them), it said that don't get a tank with a background. and galleons? :dunno: whats that? i kno, i need to refresh my mind. it's WAY smaller than the tank i have now for my betta. any ideas?
I've seen what you're talking about.. they're pretty small- might as well just leave them in their wal-mart cup if you intend on putting them in one of those.

I don't know why anyone would advise against a background..

A gallon is a unit of measurement in which we measure water.. Think milk jug.
i dont see why you couldnt use a background. dont get the spongebob betta tank. get the bigger one that is like 2 gallons or something like that. umm...gallons are units of measurement. dont put a betta in anyhting less than one gallon. those little cups bettas are in at the store are 6 ounces (which is like 1/21th of a gallon.) those little tanks made especially for bettas are cruel because usually they are less than 1/4th of a gallon or even less than 1/8th of a gallon!
if you get two bettas, you also need a separator.
ParadiseFish said:
I've seen what you're talking about.. they're pretty small- might as well just leave them in their wal-mart cup if you intend on putting them in one of those.

I don't know why anyone would advise against a background..

A gallon is a unit of measurement in which we measure water.. Think milk jug.
wal-mart? i saw it at pisces pet emporuim. guess what, they sell SPIDERS AND TRANTULAS!!!
i have a sponge bob tank....but it isn't the small one...i've seen that one :crazy:

the one i have is the one that comes with a figurine, the background thing, an underground filter, and a bubbler thing. my betta seems pretty happy in mine.
steppy104 said:
i have a sponge bob tank....but it isn't the small one...i've seen that one :crazy:

the one i have is the one that comes with a figurine, the background thing, an underground filter, and a bubbler thing. my betta seems pretty happy in mine.
oh! do you have a picture of it? :alien:
shelly25 said:
Here is a list of Spongebob aquarium items. Petco seems to have the biggest variety. The bigger aquarium they are talking about is the first item listed. :D

Spongebob products
hey! thanks a bunch! petco...hmm....sounds familiar, don't remember, but anyway, thanks! :lol:

this is mine....i took the background out cuz it was falling off too much. as for the figurine....he died....paint started falling off, then his legs broke while trying to wash him....now he's somewhere around here armless and legless and turning white! -_-

that one on the website is what mine USED to look like...lol. so much for that!
steppy104 said:

this is mine....i took the background out cuz it was falling off too much. as for the figurine....he died....paint started falling off, then his legs broke while trying to wash him....now he's somewhere around here armless and legless and turning white! -_-

that one on the website is what mine USED to look like...lol. so much for that!
LOL, well, check out the spongebob cup shelly25 was talking about, that's the one i'm talking about! o and thaks for the pic!
steppy104 said:
as for the figurine....he died....paint started falling off, then his legs broke while trying to wash him....now he's somewhere around here armless and legless and turning white! -_-
My LFS has a huge tank filled with all the Spongebob figurines, and that same thing was happening to each one of them. They look cute in the package but seem to be cheaply made.
ya....i've seen tons of them pitiful things on ebay......that would look good next to the one i've got....but i don't want my fishies in that small of a thing.

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