Sponge To Reduce Filter Flow?


Fish Crazy
Sep 12, 2013
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I'll be getting a half moon betta in a few weeks and I was wondering how to reduce the flow from the filter with a sponge. How would I attach it to the filter (I have a Fluval U2) and would it need to be a filter sponge? I have a few sponges just sitting around for the filter in my 25l tank so I have easy access to those.
He'll be getting a 65l  tank all to himself 

Hello, sorry I can't help on the baffling part..I wonder if using a rubber band to secure it would work? :blink:
I just wanted to ask if your tank has a lid cause I can't tell :C tank looks lovely by the way.
Hmmm it's strangely difficult for me to get a hold of rubber bands  

Yes, it has a split glass lid. Thanks, I'm getting another piece of driftwood to shove in there soon. I'm hoping it arrives before my betta does :p
Perhaps some fishing line then? ^^'
Ah okay, just wanted to check! Hopefully the driftwood arrives beforehand, looking forward to seeing it though. :D
Do pet shops tend to stock fishing line? I live in central Australia so there aren't a lot of fishing shops around. I may need to look online  
Anywhere that sells fishing bait hooks etc should have them. Im not sure if you guys have targets or walmarts, but any store of that kind should have it.
So you literally put sponge over the outlet? That would really block it, wouldn't it?
Ah thanks Diamond. Rubber bands work huh? That's good because I just took a trip down to every shop in town and no-one has fishing line 
When I was temporarily removing a second filter that I wanted to keep cycled, I jammed my sponge into my U2 instead of running the whole filter... and it really reduced the water flow... so that's an idea... squashing in more sponges that are required.
I just put a sponge into my filter and the flow doesn't seem to have changed at all. Is there a particular sponge you would recommend for that? If not I might just try the sponge + rubber band method :)
With mine, I had the regular sponges in there and also squashed in the sponge from a fluval mini (which is about double the thickness to what this filter uses).  If you have extra foam, you could also put some inside the shaft instead so you don't need to hold it on with something.
I have also known of a member on here baffle the filter intake which also results in reducing the flow.

I'm trying to find a link to the thread but failing. I think it was a member called Rei Rei who again attached some material with a rubber band (but you could use string to stop the betta being pulled against the filter intake).
If it is a new version of the U2 you can lie it down and also have the flow coming through the middle, like a spray bar to spread the flow.  Then if you place it with bog wood or something in front you will reduce the flow coming out as it will be spread more evenly.  I also believe you can turn down the flow.  In terms of blocking any flow going in, I have always found that any pre-filter soon gets clogged causing an issue for the filter.
Tank looks good, you need something to hide that filter. I had a half tree type shape that mine fitted behind and this assisted also with stopping the Betta from being blown around as I directed the flow to the side of the tank vs into the tank, if that makes sense.
Check this out too, as I mention how I control my latest filter for a Betta.

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