sponge filter recommendations


New Member
Jan 17, 2021
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Im looking for a good sponge filter for my betta since his current hob filter just seems too strong any recommendations as well as an air pump to attach with it ?
I just bought bog standard cheap ones from ebay and have had great success. The pump came with an airline hose too. Was less than £15 all together I think
I really like those dual sponge filters that suction to the wall. For air pump, the whisper pumps are best and are cheap on amazon.
I use a very old Elite Stingray in 1 of my tanks but they only make them upto 15 Gallons, I just replace the sponges every now & then, I only kept it going cos its super quiet, Sponges are around £3 & it does a decent job of keeping my 10G crystal clear
Another vote for aquarium co-op. He sells a few different sizes and also carries the quietest air pump and never clog air stones. I've been using these products and highly recommend.
I use the double sponge filters and the reason I do is because the sponge filters will house plenty of beneficial bacteria. So when I setup a new tank I take one side off the used sponge filter from an established tank and add it to the sponge filter in the new tank. This will help the new tank to cycle by added beneficial bacteria. These are the ones I ordered because they are cheap and I got four of them. Double Sponge filters

Whisper air pumps are good, I have been using mine for five years now with no problems.

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