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Cool and i agree, it is looking good :D Your cycle is well and truly on its way, so sit back and do lots of pet rock watching :) and for something really cool, if you have a red light, shine it in there after lights out!!

Seffie x
should i ask why or just do it and find out for myself? thankyou for the comments.

i know once this cycle is complete i can put the clean up crew in, is there a rule as to how many and what i need to get. also when do i put the soft corals in? before the fish or after, or with the critters?

Just so i can start planning what i need and ordering in advance if the lfs does not have what i want.

cheers, seffie
Once you have cycled and a small CUC and maybe a soft coral frag to see how it goes :)


2 - 3 Turbo snails or trocheus
5 Nassaruis vibex
2 hermits blue legged halloweens or Red are all good

Once the tank settles in you can add more :good:
should i ask why or just do it and find out for myself? thankyou for the comments.

yeah, just do it and see what you can see!!

i know once this cycle is complete i can put the clean up crew in, is there a rule as to how many and what i need to get. also when do i put the soft corals in? before the fish or after, or with the critters?

There isnt a hard and fast rule but you need to consider food levels - a new tank has very little food after the diatoms have been consumed. Re: fish or corals first, there is some debate on that one, but most of us here put in a fish or even a pair of juvie clowns first.

CUC - mmmm, think I would go with approx:

10 or so vibex, dove or ceriths for sand moving

two large mexican turbos

4 small hermits - I like mexicans, but buy them small so they have enough food but when they grow the tank will still be able to suppor them.

In the future a conch, either fighting or orange lipped

Just so i can start planning what i need and ordering in advance if the lfs does not have what i want.


cheers, seffie

You are welcome
I'e had the red light out tonight and seen half a dozen 5-2mm clear shrimp moving arond the tank, i presume they hitched a lift with the last lot of LR. the guys guys tank was covered in green algea, was this a bad move on my part, the rocks are quite clean now. do i feed these guys or are they a problem already.

Also the tank is still quite toxic, found from my tests
If the Rock had a lot of algae on it when you brought it run a phosphate test if traceable run a phosphate remover on the tank this will help clear any algae up :good:
Done another check this morning after some new media in the filter, got some positive results,

Ammonia 1.2-2.4ppm
Nitrite 0.3
Nitrate 20ppm
Phosphate 2-5ppm

looks like i'm coming down the back end of the cycle. yeah

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