split betta tank three ways


Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
Reaction score
Camarillo, CA
I have a 3 gallon betta tank that can be split three ways with glass dividers. Right now I have it split in half. I was wondering if I split it in three would the betta in the middle be stressed? My uncle always said that the betta in the middle would always die. What do you think?
I have a 2.5 tank in a 3-way split. Figure out who the most aggressive one is and put him in the middle. Usually after a week or so, they'll calm down.
I've never had an experience or heard of anything like that.

You'll need to ask Wuv she's a betta expert! 36 bettas! :hyper: :lol:
HeatherSweetness said:
Itty I didn't see you had so many bettas too,wow! Another pro betta handler. :)
Oh cool! You didn't say expert. *hehe* Actually, I find them the easiest fish to care for. :)
The only problem is instead of having 2 lights in the hood there is only one so the betta at the right gets the most light and the one to the left gets almost none. Plus the right side will get algae much quicker. How expensive would it be to put a light in the other side of it?
All the betta's I have that are in the middle are just fine. Maybe get a female to put in the middle, that way the two males will have to work for her attention.


~added: as for the light? do you have just a desk lamp or something you could put on that side? Just a thought.
Wow Itty Bitty Betta, you have some gorgeous bettas and a very cool looking setup. Do you have closer individual pics of each of those fish?

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