Specific Guppy Disease?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 23, 2002
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I bought 2 female guppies from my LFS last week to keep my single male company.
They both died 4 days later and the male died 4 days after that. The day after that my single fry died as well :( There were no obvious signs of illness other than the fish spending a lot of time at the surface which all my previous Guppies seemed to do.
Is there a specific disease which only affects Guppies?
My water params are OK
Ammonia zero
Nitrite zero
Nitrate 15 ppm
pH 7.0 (which is the same as my LFS)
All other fish seem fine
They were spending a lot of time on the surface but so do my mollies, I thought that was normal for them. The tank is only half stocked and I run a spray bar so I'm pretty sure the water has plenty O2. Since adding CO2 my plants are giving off loads of bubbles (O2?). I examined them when they died but couldn't see anything wrong with them.
so all the fish are bought at the same time? well do you notice that they are the new arrivals in the LFS? if so that means that bunch of guppies are not ready to be sold. cuz i realize that if your bought new arrivals( the first week) form LFS
the fish may have trouble adjusting at your tank. may be you don't know... your LSF actaully dumped many fish when it first arrived. because some of them didn't make it. My dad who was a LFS owner told me that the safe time to buy fish is when they are stored in the store for one week. the remaining fish you see in that tank are ready for you to buy.

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