Species Only Tank

Floyds mum

Fish Herder
Jul 31, 2009
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What do people think of a species only tank?

Im thinking about different species (dwarf, peppered, albino etc)maybe some otto's in too.

What sort of a set up would benefit corys?
I know sand but what about the decor/open space etc?
When I had corys, I found that sand, like you mentioned, was pretty mush the most important thing in the tank. They are constantly sifting through the sand, so the more space they have to do so the better. IMO.

Ok thanx so would tanks like the ones in pet stores be ok for them?
Meaning mb some plant on bogwood/lava rock and a rock then the rest of the tank open space?
Oh yeah, that would be fine.

Lets see what other people have to say as well.

Just some plants in there would be good, they like to have open space as well as coverage as I find mine dont like being on open display all the time and give them quieter more covered space towards the back of the tank. It also depends on the cories, I have found the habrosus and pygmies much more active midwater than any of the larger species that have a swim but like the bottom better. If adding live plants also if they take a turn to breeding may use these to your convenience
Ok thanx am popping into town tomorrow so will have a looksy at what types they have there, will move a few plants over tonight :D

Pics if/when i get some tomorrow.
oh pretty please! I personally think live plants are great with cories as they do appreciate it though fake will do just as well for coverage x
Ive been having some fish die off for no reason in my main tank, should it be ok if i wash the sand through then put it in the "species" tank OR am i better off getting new sand?
Hmm depends if you think it was just weak fish or from old age. If you really want to be careful would suggest new sand entirely as cories are extremely sensitive and you dont want to transmit any potential diseases especially when first introducing them and due to the stress of being brought home may have low immunity levels. Although perhaps wash in boiling water to kill potential bacteria??
Ok thanx will have a looky for new sand, it'll be difficult to boil water and do it that way cos i live in a 3 floor house lol
Had a thought earlier, i have a tank in the garage with sand in lol
So im putting sand in tank tomorrow, will use hot water from tap as it is frozen atm and defrosting in my bedroom lol :lol:
LOL just ensure you give it a really hot wash, this is no guarantee though that it will kill anything if there are any nasty things lurking. When you add the new fish you could add if to hand a product to ease them in (I say general product, as some have stress ease stuff etc) of course others would say dont add products if necessary as this is a valid point. Another thing to do also is soak their food in garlic juice and help boost their immunity at the beginning, overkill but a good precaution if wish to go that way :good:
Ok thanx, when the tank was set up it was perfectly fine and lid was closed but will be extra careful.
Garlic juice? do i just crush and squeeze garlic cloves?
You can buy the juice specifically made for adding and soaking into fish food, I only came across this recently being recommended for my bettas and sick pygmies. I have only tried a couple of times but have a garlis bulb and mash it up and get whatever juice I can, I love it as love garlic :lol: Only suggested as a precaution and unsure what others would say, the only reason mentioned is you just dont know what is in that sand. Best of luck :good:

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