Speak Up And Be Counted!, Crosspost

? Staffycross, how do we know your the owner of that website, you could just be red devils alternative profile. Like what your trying to do though, i dont think websites are very 'visable' in getting the message across though. But its the cheapest way i guess. :fun:
LMAO Seige - I can back up that Staffycross is their own person. Conspiracy theories are rife on here. ;)

I'll sign it happily. To those who are questionning this method - there are lots of other things you can do to help the "cause" if you prefer an alternative route. Fosterers, transporters, donations, etc are all ways we can help. I would imagine Staffycross or other rescue workers would welcome old dog collars, crates, toys, food, etc to help? Or maybe we could help with publicity?

Off to sign :)
? Staffycross, how do we know your the owner of that website, you could just be red devils alternative profile. Like what your trying to do though, i dont think websites are very 'visable' in getting the message across though. But its the cheapest way i guess. :fun:
:lol: why would i bother, i emailed allie at staffie cross to let her know there was somebody on here questioning the morals of the charity so that she had the chance to respond. i have got better things to do with my time plus i would not have worded a response as good as allie as mine tend to offend :D

i work with MCAW in northwich cheshire :good:
:no: I honestly am gob smacked at the way some of you think on here.

They are very dedicated in the work they do in saving these dogs so i feel if you are not interested dont bother posting
:no: I honestly am gob smacked at the way some of you think on here.

They are very dedicated in the work they do in saving these dogs so i feel if you are not interested dont bother posting

Why are you so gob smacked exactly? Im simply just not the sort of person who trusts any random person who has an honorable cause- you might be, but then thats your descision.
If someone came up to me on the street and asked for money for a charity of some sort, i would make damn well sure that my money was going where it should be before i just handed over some cash or signed something.
The way i see if it, if you are truly honest then you you shouldn't have anything to hide :huh: !
It doesn't take much effort to find out this is a worthwhile cause and a legit one. If needs be I'll be happy to have this down on record as my personal recommendation (having known the lady who fronts Staffycross for some time), but I think that would appeal too much to the fanatical conspiracy theorists that I was just another internet persona. :rolleyes:
It doesn't take much effort to find out this is a worthwhile cause and a legit one. If needs be I'll be happy to have this down on record as my personal recommendation (having known the lady who fronts Staffycross for some time), but I think that would appeal too much to the fanatical conspiracy theorists that I was just another internet persona. :rolleyes:

Who ever suggested that you were just another internet persona? Just because i questioned the site does not make me out to be a "fanatical conspiracy theorist" if thats what you are referring too.
Oh dear me :( I had no idea a simple request for a comment of support would really cause such a "discussion".

If anyone would like to go to the staffycross website and check up my email address (its [email protected] but you may want to check im giving out the right one) you can email me and i will tell you via email i am indeed me :blink:

Re websites being visable, no they arent to probably some of the people we wish to show. But once we have 8000 signatures we can take those signatures out to the general public. We will have something to show them. If we dont get 8000 signature all it will tell me is what I think almost every time I answer my phone, people really dont care. Short of collecting 8000 dogs bodies i dont know what else to do to get the message across! Maybe it will work or maybe we will fall flat on our faces but WE ARE TRYING!

Your right to question things. They are not always what they seem and that goes for rescues too, "rescue" doesnt mean good and "charity" doesnt mean good. Tokis-Phoenix, i think ive answered everything you have asked and would ask you know if you accept that all we would like is one signature and maybe even ask you to show your support and sign. Things like this are extremly damaging to what we hope to do as others may think theres something "dodgy"

Kathy :) thank you (and you said "lady"lol)
Actually...just wanted to add:

This campaign is also supported by many other rescues, some registered charites some not. Including Greyhound Gap, Oldies Club, Lurcher Link. Doglost also feature this. Rescue founders have signed it including Bigggsd, Hwar, Lurcher link, greyhound gap,oldies club, akita welfare, and various others(im sure ive forgotten some so sorry to those!). look thro the first few pages and you may be able to see them yourself. This hasnt even been online for 48 hours yet, i doubt there would be that much support if it wasnt exactly what it said do you?
I signed. :)

staffycross, if I was in the UK I would offer to help but I am in Australia. So I wish you the best of luck, and thanks for putting time into helping these dogs!

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