Spawns 3 And 4


Aug 8, 2005
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I set up spawns 3 and 4. One is the copper marble pk and the black copper girl, and the other is the red guy from Synirr and one of her lighter red girls. Red guy is as always doing an awesome job, already working on his nest and she's pretty fat already, I just hope it's not genetic that they all died but I doubt it.
The coppers, well she's confused but has her colours and he'll show off for her but he's not making a single bubble, so I'll just leave them alone and I did give him a small nest to start off with but he hasn't added anything. So hopefully, maybe I'll have better luck with these guys!
I don't think the die-offs are genetic, since SandyMushCowgirl's spawn is still alive and so is mine, though mine are only 3 days old ^_^
Good luck with these pairs, maybe you can finally start raising some gorgeous babies!
Thanks guys, well my others both made it to 5 days, the big survivors anyway.
Sorry nino haven't been able to get a pic, I couldn't get the camera, will try to this weekend!
Have you got bbs to feed the fry?I think you might find that feeding bbs helps them stay healthy.
Yeah, I agree with Synirr. I doubt it's genetic. My baby's are now going on day 5, they'll be a week old Saturday. :look: I really hope things go well for you. :D
Thanks,and yes I'm getting bbs but they might not be here until in like 3 weeks, I do have microworms though and will spawn them when they are ready, which right now the coppers sure aren't and the others not overly either but red guy is making a nest as always!
Well, this morning after they've been set up for 48 hrs, I let both spawns together.
The coppers, well the girl is really good, she did everything right but him, I want to shoot him because he leads her under the nest and when she tries to get close to him he flares at her, circles around her and then pecks at her, shoos her away, and then tries to get her back under the nest. This happened like 10 times and I left them for about a half an hour. The girl wasn't scared at all and she didn't clamp her fins but he's just being a jerk I guess. So I put her back in the bottle and I'll wait a bit longer, but he's just imature.

The reds, well he's always been good, but if she doesn't do what he wants her to that minute he starts to chase her and the girl hid and got clamped fins and was breathing really hard, so I had to take her out and I set him up with a different girl, the one from last time. They have lots of hiding places too. So hopefully this will work. I'm going to leave them like this for a while but something tells me I just don't have the luck I need. I don't understand how some people can just put their fish together and bam, they have babies and me I've been trying for like 2 months. So frustrating.
With your coppers, I'm not sure I would have put the female up. I know it may looked like he is being a pill and he may or may not be, but I would have left her with him if she isn't hurt bad, instead of putting her up and letting her out later. And if she's got plenty of places to hide she should be perfectly fine. That is how Frost and Mystic Fire were.

Again I would have waited a little longer with your Reds. If the female did not have horizontal stripes and she was not really hurt I would not have taken her out. General I've found that when the female starts getting clamped fins they are somewhat close to spawning.
Also it is generally not good to put the female up and then let her out again because it interferes with their spawning and it may take them longer because of that. Both of your spawns sound like the usual courting behavior. I'm sure others will post their opinions.
Thanks sandy I'm just really worried they'll get hurt. Both the females were pretty ready though, they both had the vertical stripes and fat bellies. But the red one was like sitting in the corner with her fins clamped breathing really heavy and it just worries me. I'm going to give them more time and see how they are tomorrow night when I go back to my dorm and then I might try again
Yeah, its already been said, but i thought i'd back that up, just give them time. My first time I kept getting worried adn removing the female, but one day i just decided - you know whaT? im not gunna watch. At all. So i left, and when i came back in the next day to feed, they were in the midst of spawning lol!

my red male, Red (original, no?), has to have his female nearly dead before he'll spawn :X dope. But the females always recover, or they always have for me so far ;)

good luck
thanks bre, that gives me some hope. I'm just worried for them because they are usually chewed up before they are in there for half an hour :/
just do what i do.. dont watch! haha. if i watched the whole time, i'd be worried out of my mind. well, not anymore, since i realized itll be alright in the end, but in the beginning.
Well last night both girls looked ready and the boys had their nests made so at 11 pm, I know really late I decided to let them out and I watched them for a bit but I decided to leave. I left them in all night, I stayed up until 1 and then went to sleep and at 5 I woke up and saw that the coppers have eggs! I'm pretty sure they are there but I'm not the best at seing them even with a light. So I left the girls in and this morning I took the copper one out and left the red still in there because she was still swollen and sitting there and I couldn't see eggs. She's been in there for 16 hours now so I took her out because she looked a bit chewed up but she's still showing bars and she's still pretty swollen. I can't see eggs in their tank but I figured something must have happened because he started to chase her after. I guess I'll just have to wait and see although I really really can't see anything in their nest.

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