I have a turqoise hm pair that I am currently spawning. This is my first spawn but I have been researching alot. The male I had would not build a nest on his own so i scooped a little from another males nest and he started building one. I have had the pair together in the tank for a few hours now. I have been monitoring them every hour or so and I have checked the nest for eggs but can't really tell as I've never seen a nest with eggs before. I was wondering if anyone had a pic of a nest with eggs in it thats fairly clear. He has been paying alot of attention to the nest but I haven't seen any eggs fall and him spit them back in. The female is not hiding but she looks tired. I will keep monitoring and checking back if anyone can help me for what signs of succesful spawning to look for I would appreciate it. So far the male hasn't been aggressive besides the nip here and there. I still don't know wether the female is interested or not because sometimes she runs away when he gets closer and other times it looks like they are about to embrace when she darts away. However she is still showing vertical bars and darker colors. Sorry for the long post and again any help is appreciated.